Myths about Exposure Therapy
Here in this post, we are providing the “Myths about Exposure Therapy”. You can discuss more your concerns about mental health in our community, and we will provide you with tips and solutions in a short time. Keep visiting Mental Health.
There are the following myths about exposure therapy:
- Exposure therapy is unethical and harmful.
- Exposure therapy does not work because it makes people more anxious.
- People with severe anxiety cannot handle exposure therapy.
- Complex’ patients won’t get benefit from it.
- Clients need a lot of preparation before starting exposure.
- Exposure therapy is rigid and impersonal
![Myths about Exposure Therapy](
Unethical and harmful
A therapist would never force a patient to do something. Exposure is only helpful when the patient chooses to do it.
Make more people anxious
Exposure therapy does not work because it makes people more anxious. Willingness to experience short-term anxiety reduces suffering in the long run.
Severe Anxiety
People with severe anxiety cannot handle exposure therapy. Exposure can benefit people with mild to severe symptoms with little risk of adverse side effects.
Complex’ patients
Most studies of exposure therapy include patients with co-occurring disorders, people in the community, and individuals seeking treatment. Exposure therapy can be used with any type of client, regardless of their complexity. This includes those who are at high risk of suicide, those suffering from active psychosis, those on stable medication, those with borderline personality disorder symptoms, and those in treatment of alcohol or substance abuse disorders.
Need a lot of preparation
Clients are strong, brave, and not vulnerable. Clients are generally able to handle their exposure without the need for additional procedures, according to studies. Additional preparation can actually be a problem because it will take longer and cost more.
Rigid and impersonal
A strong therapeutic alliance with the patient is one of the key elements of exposure therapy. Exposure therapy is flexible and adaptable. It works best when it is tailored to the client’s unique and specific needs. In collaboration with others, specific exposures are planned and created.
These myths can make therapists less likely to use exposure therapy. They may also try to apply exposure in a cautious, nervous, or rigid way. Clients will pick up on this lack of confidence and it can lead to worse outcomes. When the client fails to do well, or leaves, it is clear that the provider has negative expectations. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
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