Causes and Risk factors of SAD
Here in this post, we are providing the “Causes and Risk factors of SAD”. You can discuss more your concerns about mental health in our community, and we will provide you with tips and solutions in a short time. Keep visiting Mental Health.
Nearly all children feel anxiety when they are away from their parents and exhibit clingy behaviors. These normal feelings usually occur between 18 months to 3 years of age. However, older children may experience occasional anxiety when under stress. A child suffering from separation anxiety disorder (SAD) will feel a prolonged and severe fear or distress when they are away from their familiar surroundings. This is in contrast to normal anxiety. Anxiety disorders such as SAD can be linked to environmental, biological, and family factors.
Separation anxiety disorder is also caused by the following factors:
- Stress
- Genetics
- Change in environment
- Insecure attachment
- An overprotective parent
Separation anxiety disorders are triggered by stress, which causes the separation of the person you love. Stress or loss in life that causes separation such as the death or illness of a close friend or family member, divorce of parents, or moving to another country.
Genetics can be a factor in the development of the disorder.

Change in environment
Separation anxiety disorder can be caused by changes in the environment.
Insecure attachment
An attachment bond refers to the emotional connection between an infant’s primary caregiver and themselves. A secure attachment bond will ensure that your child feels safe, understood, and calm enough to develop optimally. However, insecure attachment bonds can lead to separation anxiety.
An overprotective parent
Separation anxiety disorder can be a manifestation of anxiety or stress. Parental and child anxieties can be fed.
Risk factors of SAD
The disorder of separation anxiety usually starts in childhood but can persist into the teen years and even adulthood.
SAD is more likely to occur in children with:
- Anxiety or depression in the family
- People who are shy or timid
- Low socioeconomic status
- Parents who are too protective
- A lack of parental interaction
- Problems with children their age
SAD can also be caused by a stressful life event, such as:
- Moving to a new house
- Switching schools
- divorce
- The death of a family member
These risk factors could include:
- Temperaments
- Biological Factors
- Family elements
- Environmental Factors
Some temperaments are more susceptible to anxiety disorders than others.
Biological Factors
The brain contains special chemicals called neurotransmitters that communicate back and forth with the body to regulate how a person feels. Dopamine and serotonin are important neurotransmitters, which can lead to anxiety-like feelings.
Family elements
A child can inherit the hair color of a parent, but it is also possible to inherit their anxiety. Anxiety can also be passed on to a child from their family members or others who are stressed out. The way parents respond to their children can contribute to their child’s anxiety. If a child is anxious about missing school, it can cause them to be more anxious the next day.
Environmental factors
Separation anxiety disorder can also be triggered by a traumatic event (such as divorce, illness, death in the family).
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