Others 3 -sixth effects of loneliness on their perception

Others 3 -sixth effects of loneliness on their perception

It is not necessary to feel alone to be isolated. Loneliness is above all perception: that is not sufficiently deep or satisfactory social relations. This feeling can then change the method in which the behavior of others is explained, which makes it difficult to break a vicious cycle.

A study published in Personality and social psychology journal Shows that single people consider their loved ones as less philanthropist and less vigilant, as much as they are really. This prejudice affects friendly, family relationships and doubles relationships, and helps feed an inappropriate sense of abandonment.

1. Ease a low of the support of others

People with loneliness believe that their entry cares about them as much as they actually do. They interpret some gestures or silence as a scar of indifferent, when they often reflect the absence of clear evidence of affection.

This biased perception reduces satisfaction in relationships and pushes people alone to fall back to themselves. Low to request support or express their needs, they thus involuntarily strengthen their own separation.

2. Decrease in emotional commitment

When loneliness resides, it affects the ability to see and accept others love or attention. The people concerned develop a form of mistrust that can limit their emotional commitment and slow down honest exchange.

In a romantic relationship, this conceptual bias can cause misunderstandings and stress. Single people reduce their partner’s efforts, which can reduce their feelings of satisfaction and commitment, thus the risk of breaking up increases.

3. An amplifier effect on solitude

Research results suggest that people who feel alone consider people around them less attentive every day.

This incident feeds their loneliness and bypasses their impression, even though their entry did not necessarily change their attitude.