People who are considered leaders adopt this attitude

People who are considered leaders adopt this attitude

If you had to choose one person to give you responsibility and power, who would you choose? The one who has proven himself? He who thinks big? The one who seems most confident? The one who seems emotionless and incapable of hesitation? whether for to designate or be regarded as a leaderIt is not always easy to know which features and behaviors to trust.

In a study published in Journal of Personality and Social PsychologyShuang Wu, Rachel Smallman, and Pamela K. Smith look at self-control and its role as a “signal and source” of power.

Better control for better governance?

“Who do we consider more powerful and who do we like to give power to? Those who have self-control or those who lack it? » Ask researchers in their studies. Previous research has shown varying predictions. Self-control or the lack thereof can both be indicators of power. “Low self-control can be considered a form of inhibition, and inhibition has been associated with greater power. In contrast, high self-control can be viewed as a form of agency, which is associated with for more power », he explains.

To answer their questions, the researchers conducted seven experiments. For each of them, several hundred participants were recruited. Among the experiments, one presented two profiles to 201 participants. The first profile displayed great self-control by stating that he was keeping his New Year’s resolution, while the second admitted that he was having difficulty keeping it. Participants divided the leadership votes between two candidates and rated their perceived power. The second experiment translated the first to real life by asking participants to recall their partners’ actions related to self-control. He was questioned about the strength of his associates, his perseverance, his competence, and even his morality. In another experiment, researchers presented participants with several scenarios in which individuals performed similar tasks, but had different goals. The purpose of a scenario is to evaluate whether more important, but unachieved, objectives have reduced achievement and hence the perception of power.

Self-control, goals, skills: characteristics of a leader

Various experiments showed that self-control has an impact on the perception of leadership. Thus, participants voted more for candidates showing greater self-control, perceiving them as more powerful and greater leaders. Conversely, low self-control reduced perceptions of power and ability to lead. In general, this research demonstrates that higher self-control is an essential characteristic of power,

Additionally, other factors have shown interest in the perception of leadership. Thus, ambition, perseverance and alignment with one’s goals also play a role. Individuals who exceeded modest goals were considered more powerful than those who failed to achieve ambitious goals despite performing the same tasks. In short, self-control, competence, assertiveness, and goal alignment are essential when assessing an individual’s suitability for positions of leadership or influence.