Principle of Tapping, this technique helps in curing phobias, procrastination and lack of self-confidence.

Principle of Tapping, this technique helps in curing phobias, procrastination and lack of self-confidence.

What if a series of tapings could improve your daily life? The idea behind this is EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), which is an alternative treatment method that focuses on psychological acupressure and emotions.

Developed in the 1990s, this accessible approach promises to bring relief from a variety of problems like phobias, anxiety, and even procrastination. But how does this technology work and what benefits can it really bring? Response to an article with Nicolas Gauvruit, teacher-researcher in cognitive science Brain and mental disorders.

What is EFT?

EFT is based on a simple principle: our negative emotions come from disturbances in the body’s energy system.

By focusing on a specific problem and stimulating certain specific points, called meridians, we can rebalance this system and remove emotional blockages. Inspired by acupressure and cognitive-behavioral therapy, EFT is distinguished by its approach that is both intuitive and structured.

How to practice EFT?

The method is organized around five key steps:

  1. Identify the problem: for example, fear of public speaking or frequent procrastination.
  2. Rate the intensity: On a scale from 0 to 10, rate the strength of the negative emotion felt.
  3. Accommodating Phrase: As you tap the side of your hand, formulate a phrase that acknowledges the feeling, such as: “Although I feel this fear, I accept myself deeply and completely. »
  4. Tapping: Follow a sequence of specific points – top of the head, corner of the eyebrows, under the eyes, collarbone, etc. – While repeating a sentence related to the problem.
  5. Reevaluate: Refocus on intensity to measure progress.

Benefits of EFT

This technique is used to treat a variety of emotional and physical problems. Stress and anxiety reduction: By rebalancing energies, EFT provides a sense of peace and relaxation. Improved self-confidence: Mental blocks are removed, paving the way for better self-esteem.

Relief from phobias: By focusing on a specific fear, EFT helps to gradually desensitize the associated feeling. Trauma management: Traumatic memories lose their emotional impact, making healing easier.

Why and how to include it in your daily life?

A major advantage of EFT lies in its simplicity: it can be practiced at any time, whether to calm an anxiety attack or prepare for a stressful event. For example, before an important presentation, a few minutes of tapping can help calm nerves and strengthen concentration.

Furthermore, this technique is suitable for everyone, including children, who can use it to better manage their emotions or fears.