See this specific time to take care of your health

See this specific time to take care of your health

Rather, is the type of keeping you on bed quickly or walking out and delaying sleeping? We all have all their small habits, good and less good, when it comes to sleeping. Some take the side of the early gold, others are struggling to keep themselves on bed quickly. Others still come out of bed easily while others still retreat Always alarm clock,

The hours we go to bed and we wake up, insomnia and other sleep related disorders can prevent us from reaching. Objective established in eight hours of sleepHowever, adequate and quality sleep is necessary for physical and mental health. It is for this reason that it is necessary to be attentive for our sleeping time.

Time slot to honor

Thanks to the data of 103,712 participants collected in the UK Biobank Framework, a large -scale study in the United Kingdom, researchers were able to study links between sleep time and heart disease. In his study published in the December 2021 issue of the journal European Heart Journal – Digital HealthResearchers listed 3,172 cases of heart diseases during an average monitoring period of 5.7 years. These were data Sleeping,

A basic analysis controlled according to age and gender revealed thatStart of one hour between 10 pm and 10:59 pm. Was associated with the lowest incidence of heart diseases. But on the contrary that can think in one hour sleep Was not just a risk factor,

Very quick or too late: the same risk

The team came to know that while sleeping after midnight About 25% increase of heart disease riskSleeping between 10 pm and 11 pm. But the researchers also saw that the risk was only when the falling fell before 10 o’clock. This increase in risk fell to 12% for those who slept between 11 am and 12 o’clock.

David plan, psychological and psychologists at the University of Exeter explain, “Although we cannot eliminate the link due to our study, the results suggest that there may be more likely to interrupt the biological clock in early or late gold hours. Is, with harmful consequences on heart health, “Author on studies, Science alertThe risky time was after midnight, perhaps because it can reduce the chances of watching morning lights, which reset the biological clock. In relation to heart risks and over time of sleeping time, this trend was maintained keeping in mind the duration of age, gender, sleep, a tardrier, smoking condition, weight, diabetes, blood pressure, cholesterol Was done as a level and socio-economic level. Situation