Self-Compassion Scale Short Form – Turkish version


Self-compassion has gained significant attention in psychological research as a potential mechanism for enhancing emotional well-being and mitigating psychological distress. This article discusses the Turkish adaptation of the Self-Compassion Scale Short Form (Öz-Şefkat Ölçeği Kısa Formu) as developed by Yıldırım and Sarı (2018), focusing on its validity, reliability, and applicability in various populations, particularly adolescents. The scale serves as a critical tool for measuring self-compassion and provides insights for psychological practice and research.

Scale Overview

Scale Type: Adaptation

Reference: Yıldırım, M., & Sarı, T. (2018). The Turkish adaptation of the Self-Compassion Scale Short Form: Validity and reliability study. Abant İzzet Baysal University Journal of Education, 18(4), 2502-2517.

Developers/Adaptors: Musa Yildirim, TUĞBA SARI

Year: 2018

Source Title: The Turkish adaptation of the Self-Compassion Scale Short Form: Validity and reliability study

Journal: Abant İzzet Baysal University Journal of Education

Volume: 18

Issue: 4

Page Range: 2502-2517

Measured Characteristics: Self-compassion

Application Groups: Adolescents, Middle and High School Students

Scoring Method: 5-point Likert scale

Validity and Reliability

Validity: The validity of the scale was assessed through its correlations with the Fear of Self-Compassion Scale and the Adolescent Subjective Well-Being Scale, showing a negative and medium relationship with the Fear of Self-Compassion and a positive and medium relationship with the Adolescent Subjective Well-Being Scale.

Reliability: The test-retest reliability of the scale was calculated using data collected from a sample group with an interval of 17 days. Statistical analysis indicated a high-level correlation between the two measurements (r = 0.840, p

Translation Process and Development

The translation process involved five faculty members from the field of Guidance and Psychological Counseling. Their translations were reviewed, leading to the creation of a Turkish version. This version was then tested with two groups of 10 middle and high school students each to determine the clarity of the items.

Original Scale Reference

Original Scale Name: Self-Compassion Scale Short Form

Original Scale Reference: Raes, F., Pommier, E., Neff, K. D., & Van Gucht, D. (2011). Construction and factorial validation of a short form of the self‐compassion scale. Clinical psychology & psychotherapy18(3), 250-255.

Original Scale Link:

Reference: Yıldırım, M., & Sarı, T. (2018). The Turkish adaptation of the Self-Compassion Scale Short Form: Validity and reliability study. Abant İzzet Baysal University Journal of Education, 18(4), 2502-2517.