Facked with unpredictable: by psychiatrist Christofes Andre, the key to going to please his stress

Facked with unpredictable: by psychiatrist Christofes Andre, the key to going to please his stress Winter holidays, with cousins ​​in the mountains. Of the common room. OUILLE, which will bring us back, will broadcast? Will we be able to go to the station to take it? Will snow hunt have time to pass time? And … Read more

“Meditation disorder for others”, this new crisis noted by psychiatrist Christof Andre

“Meditation disorder for others”, this new crisis noted by psychiatrist Christof Andre He is a doctor, psychiatrist, and “is also a writer of many tasks. Among them, we can quote ourselves and forget ourselves (Odile Jacob, 2024) and inner life (Econoclast,” pass “, 2025) . This applies to step back, to ask the subject of … Read more

L’estime de soi repose sur 3 piliers indispensables, d’après le psychiatre Christophe André

L’estime de soi repose sur 3 piliers indispensables, d’après le psychiatre Christophe André A-t-on toujours conscience de la valeur qu”on s’accorde ? Est-on même conscient de la vision qu’on a de soi ? Et si l’acceptation de soi ressemble au combat d’une vie, qu’en est-il de la confiance que l’on se porte ? Autant de … Read more