Keep this personality characteristic forward to stand out of the recruitments

Keep this personality characteristic forward to stand out of the recruitments We are encountered with great classics of almost all (or let’s let) job interviews. “How will you describe yourself in a word?” “Or” what is your biggest quality? “And on the other side,” what will be your biggest defect? , But without discouraging recruitment, … Read more

This personality characteristic allows you to build solid habits

This personality characteristic allows you to build solid habits In an article published on Psychology todayProfessor Nadav Klein examines the boundaries of the concept of will, on which we are often based on our ability to complete this or that project. Will and temptation are often associated with self -control, in collective imagination. Nadav Klein … Read more

It reduces the personality characteristic, yet demonstrates a better intelligence

It reduces the personality characteristic, yet demonstrates a better intelligence Intelligence is easily associated with the system of solving problems, or even rationalism, but even with the ability to be creative, a less awaited feature can be well -widely evidence of wisdom, well -well, Positive journal Psychology. According to a study, intelligence often manifests through … Read more

Hypersensitive: This specific personality characteristic that manifests as a defect, can actually allow you to be happy

Hypersensitive: This specific personality characteristic that manifests as a defect, can actually allow you to be happy We have never talked so much about hypersensitivity: at a time when we are encouraged to subdue our feelings, to accept our sensitivity, it is not always easy to do something creative. How to understand how to understand … Read more

This character characteristic is more often associated with weak emotional intelligence

This character characteristic is more often associated with weak emotional intelligence Emotional intelligence, which involves your ability to understand and regulate your feelings, plays an important role in the formation of ideological beliefs. A study published in Personality journal It turned out that teenagers with weak emotional intelligence are more likely to develop a powerful … Read more

This poorly perceived personality characteristic would actually indicate a better intelligence

This poorly perceived personality characteristic would actually indicate a better intelligence The result of a psychometric testing brings a quantitative sign of IQ intelligence. It measures a person’s logical and ideological intelligence from standardized tests. From the latest discoveries on the functioning of the human brain, British researchers presented their work British Journal of PsychologyTheir … Read more

People who feel alone have this characteristic

People who feel alone have this characteristic Contrary to popular belief, there is a difference between being alone and feeling alone. “Loneliness is actually a state of mind,” explains Kendra Cherry, a specialist in psychosocial rehabilitation, for Very Well Mind. Loneliness makes people feel empty, alone and unwanted. People who feel lonely often crave human … Read more