This symptom associated with Alzheimer’s disease is actually a sign of intelligence

This symptom associated with Alzheimer’s disease is actually a sign of intelligence Do you forget your keys, an appointment, birthday? If this behavior is often associated with cognitive weakness, it would actually be a sign of better intelligence. A stunning discovery made by Canadian neuroscientist Paul Frankeland and Black Richards. Published in The Works, Journal … Read more

Before going to bed, people with Superior Intelligence will adopt this habit

Before going to bed, people with Superior Intelligence will adopt this habit A study conducted by researchers at Imperial College in London shows that people with Superior Intelligence adopt common habits before bed. past midnight. But if the “knockout” can better introduce cognitive abilities to “update”, HPI is also distinguished by specific behavior before falling … Read more

It reduces the personality characteristic, yet demonstrates a better intelligence

It reduces the personality characteristic, yet demonstrates a better intelligence Intelligence is easily associated with the system of solving problems, or even rationalism, but even with the ability to be creative, a less awaited feature can be well -widely evidence of wisdom, well -well, Positive journal Psychology. According to a study, intelligence often manifests through … Read more

This character characteristic is more often associated with weak emotional intelligence

This character characteristic is more often associated with weak emotional intelligence Emotional intelligence, which involves your ability to understand and regulate your feelings, plays an important role in the formation of ideological beliefs. A study published in Personality journal It turned out that teenagers with weak emotional intelligence are more likely to develop a powerful … Read more

This poorly perceived personality characteristic would actually indicate a better intelligence

This poorly perceived personality characteristic would actually indicate a better intelligence The result of a psychometric testing brings a quantitative sign of IQ intelligence. It measures a person’s logical and ideological intelligence from standardized tests. From the latest discoveries on the functioning of the human brain, British researchers presented their work British Journal of PsychologyTheir … Read more

Spiritual Intelligence Questionnaire (SISRI-29)

Spiritual Intelligence Questionnaire is a measure of 29 self -determination designed to assess the spiritual intelligence of the individual, which indicates the ability to reach the spiritual and existential aspects and integrate it into decision -making, solve problems, generally miserable well. being. This tool focuses on capturing dimensions such as self -awareness, transgression, making meaning, … Read more

Slosson Intelligence Test Urdu

The Slauson Intelligence Test (SIT-4) is a widely recognized tool for assessing cognitive abilities and is specifically designed to measure the intelligence quotient (IQ) of individuals. It is particularly useful in educational settings and provides an effective way to identify students who may need additional support. If you interested in getting the scale or need … Read more

Analytical, emotional, creative… Which intelligence really suits you?

Analytical, emotional, creative… Which intelligence really suits you? Intelligences are multiple. Find the one that makes you strong, according to educational psychologist Brigitte Prot. To find out, select the statements that best suit you from the following: 1. I understand without help. 2. I know the different emotions. 3. I am an inventive person. 4. … Read more

People with higher intelligence are guided by these personal values

People with higher intelligence are guided by these personal values What are the values ​​that guide your life? Although this is not a question that we ask ourselves so regularly, we may sometimes be led to wonder about what motivates us every day. Is this tradition? Creativity? Authenticity? Mutual aid? Tolerance? “Core values ​​serve as … Read more

These 7 behaviors are indicative of superior relational intelligence

These 7 behaviors are indicative of superior relational intelligence It has become a discipline, a box to check on a CV, a tool which, particularly in the world of work, can border on manipulation. But originally, and in our everyday life, “it is quite simply the ability to communicate, to enter into a relationship with … Read more