Does marriage positive or negatively affect your mental health?

Does marriage positive or negatively affect your mental health? In the same way as a regular surprise that people are the most happy as a couple or single people, it is also necessary to ask questions on the psychological effects of marriage. The final step for those who are afraid of commitment, this union does … Read more

According to science, here’s the ideal age gap for a lasting marriage

According to science, here’s the ideal age gap for a lasting marriage Can we measure the success of a marriage by the age of the spouse? Although this idea may seem bold, Australian researchers have looked into the issue. Their conclusion? A specific age difference can play an important role in the marital satisfaction and … Read more

12 essential questions to ask your partner before considering marriage

12 essential questions to ask your partner before considering marriage When you want to connect with your partner in some way or the other, it seems important to know each other well. Spending time together, exploring each other, or even making memories together are among the elements that help improve. However, it is possible. During … Read more

6 Ways to Cultivate Your Marriage

6 Ways to Cultivate Your Marriage Love alone is not enough to maintain a happy marriage in the long term. You also have to invest time, energy and a dose of kindness. According to a study published in Personal Relationshipscouples who take care of their marriage on a daily basis develop a stronger and more … Read more