Wolf, eagle, butterfly … what your animal totem says about your personality

Wolf, eagle, butterfly … what your animal totem says about your personality If you are not really familiar with the concept of totem animals, here you need to know some animals to understand these ancient cultures in lending protective and spiritual qualities. Everything is based on a spiritual heritage of many indigenous people especially in … Read more

What your readings say about your personality

What your readings say about your personality “Look at the books stored on your shelves and you will get an idea of ​​your desires, your follows and your projects!” Your library is much higher than books! She talks about your wishes, your memories, your hopes, ”says psychiatrist Michel Laboyx. If our priorities for some literary … Read more

“This is a very large alarm signal for me”: A Harvard Specialist reveals the worst personality characteristics of a work colleague

“This is a very large alarm signal for me”: A Harvard Specialist reveals the worst personality characteristics of a work colleague Thomas and Manon, employees of the company specialized in digital marketing, worked together on a common project. From the beginning, Manon invested time and energy to provide innovative solutions. But in each meeting, Thomas … Read more

What do your clothes subconsciously say about your personality?

What do your clothes subconsciously say about your personality? Clothes express different aspects of your personality in every way. Whether conscious or the result of the unconscious, clothing style reflects your self-image and the image you choose to convey to others. Like a work of art that is created every day, wearing clothes is a … Read more

Here are the personality traits that mark people who weren’t told “I love you” in childhood

Here are the personality traits that mark people who weren’t told “I love you” in childhood “i love you”Three words that unfortunately some people never had the pleasure of hearing as children. Lack of evidence of love and affection, which can leave scars and have a great impact on a person’s personality. As told by … Read more

What the way you walk says about your personality

What the way you walk says about your personality Do you know what impact nonverbal language has on our social relationships? Experts in anthropology have made it a subject of intensive research because this language makes it possible to identify many important pieces of information in human interactions. Non-verbal communication is indeed a powerful lever … Read more

Here’s the personality trait that causes most couples to divorce

Here’s the personality trait that causes most couples to divorce Happy marriages are based on emotional balance, where each partner feels understood and supported. However, when one person is particularly prone to emotional instability and exaggerated reactions to stress, the relationship may fall apart. Neuroticism, which is characterized by hypersensitivity to stress and a negative … Read more

Can you change your personality?

Can you change your personality? The idea that our personality is determined at birth is deeply ingrained in our culture. However, science refutes this notion: our character traits develop naturally over time and can be changed through conscious actions. Changing your personality doesn’t mean losing your identity, but learning to think, feel, and act differently … Read more

People with this personality type can find love more easily

People with this personality type can find love more easily In love, certain personality traits and certain qualities seem timeless. Humor, intelligence, charisma, kindness and even listening are among the characteristics that will always be of interest in all situations, but especially in love. So, there may be certain tendencies that play a role in … Read more