Practice if you have difficulty in your physical appearance

Practice if you have difficulty in your physical appearance Without realizing this, we develop in years of behavior and operating methods that are not always beneficial for us. If they integrate our personality and seem impossible, it is sometimes possible. This is especially the caseA negative discourse on yourself, When it comes to our physical, … Read more

According to a study, the best physical activity to practice for your mental health

According to a study, the best physical activity to practice for your mental health Physical exercise has long been recognized as a powerful ally of mental welfare. But not all subjects are the same when it comes to improving mood, reducing anxiety or strengthening cognitive abilities. According to a study by TF1 information And performed … Read more

What is Penny Dating, this toxic practice that establishes psychological control?

What is Penny Dating, this toxic practice that establishes psychological control? In love, we all have established standards that we apply in our search for the ideal partner. Developed through experiences and as we mature, these standards lead us to seek that which will satisfy us, do good and flourish both in our relationship and … Read more

Navel Play: What is this sexual practice that is becoming increasingly attractive?

Navel Play: What is this sexual practice that is becoming increasingly attractive? The navel has a very personal story: the mother feeds her baby through it during pregnancy and its formation, through the segment of the umbilical cord, symbolizes the beginning of our lives. This is a mysterious and unique element in each individual, so … Read more