Your dreams have a hidden meaning, it is what they say about you according to the psychoanalyst Triston Moir.

Your dreams have a hidden meaning, it is what they say about you according to the psychoanalyst Triston Moir. Dreams are an integral part of our daily life. Sometimes elusive, even esoter, they can think when the moment of awakening comes. How to understand them? Is there any way to understand them? How to understand … Read more

According to a psychoanalyst, your clothes reveal the way you love yourself

According to a psychoanalyst, your clothes reveal the way you love yourself Dress may not be saintly, but in all its aspects, clothing highlights aspects of personality. Loyalty, independence, discretion…the look we wear every day reflects many aspects of our inner self. They also tell the story of the way we love. Thus the choice … Read more

Can you control your lucid dreams? Advice from a psychoanalyst and dream language specialist

Can you control your lucid dreams? Advice from a psychoanalyst and dream language specialist Finding yourself immersed in a dream with the ability to control what happens there is a concept that can seem appealing. However, certain disadvantages exist. The psychoanalyst and specialist in the language of dreams, Tristan Moir, explains that if the desire … Read more