Before going to bed, people with Superior Intelligence will adopt this habit

Before going to bed, people with Superior Intelligence will adopt this habit A study conducted by researchers at Imperial College in London shows that people with Superior Intelligence adopt common habits before bed. past midnight. But if the “knockout” can better introduce cognitive abilities to “update”, HPI is also distinguished by specific behavior before falling … Read more

These behaviors reveal the typical profile of a person who thinks they are superior to others.

These behaviors reveal the typical profile of a person who thinks they are superior to others. A person rarely admits that he thinks he is superior to others, however, this perception of being “above the rest” is reflected through specific behaviors. It is possible to identify them by paying attention to some signs. These individuals, … Read more

These 7 behaviors are indicative of superior relational intelligence

These 7 behaviors are indicative of superior relational intelligence It has become a discipline, a box to check on a CV, a tool which, particularly in the world of work, can border on manipulation. But originally, and in our everyday life, “it is quite simply the ability to communicate, to enter into a relationship with … Read more