Threat of third world war: How to talk to children about it?

Threat of third world war: How to talk to children about it? “Third World War is possible, and it is necessary to find our brain,” Charles Mitchell, President of the European Council, said at the United Nations General Assembly last September. Since then, the conflicts have manifold and “collided, until to seriously worry about the … Read more

Cancer: How to talk to your child? According to a specialist, to follow 3 stages

Cancer: How to talk to your child? According to a specialist, to follow 3 stages Every year, 4 February is World Day to fight cancer Dedicated to the prevention and awareness of the diseaseGetting a diagnosis of cancer is heavy not only for the patient but also for his family. When children are involved, the … Read more

6 psychological benefits of “talk fasting”

6 psychological benefits of “talk fasting” In a world saturated with noise, digital interruptions and incessant talking, silence has become a rare commodity. Yet intentionally remaining silent, even for short periods of time, can have powerful effects on our mental and emotional well-being. The “talk fast” is part of an ancient tradition of meditation. So, … Read more