This type of personality is already interested in people in a relationship

This type of personality is already interested in people in a relationship Some people seem more attached to others to be interested in couples partners. According to a study published in Evolutionary psychological scienceTwo personality symptoms especially affect these behaviors: dominance and reputation discovery. People with strong dominance will be more likely to adopt infiltration … Read more

This type of personality blames others more

This type of personality blames others more Young adults who suffer from attention problems may be more inclined to develop dependence on social networks. Dependents on social networks are a rapid growing phenomenon, especially in young adults. If you have trouble understanding why some people feel difficulty separating themselves from their screen, a recent study … Read more

According to this psychiatrist, “mentally weak” people have received this type of education in their childhood.

According to this psychiatrist, “mentally weak” people have received this type of education in their childhood. Make yourself your child’s class duty, take all decisions in their place, overpotect it, push it to complete an activity that he does not like … Some parents for their children ” Do more “. This is an observation … Read more

This type of personality uses immoral techniques during the conversation

This type of personality uses immoral techniques during the conversation Determine a salary, abolish an agreement or get resources: The conversation is omnipresent. However, some suspicious strategies do not hesitate to use information or misleading promises. Study published in Personality and personal differences Shows that individuals with characteristics of “dark core” – use these strategies … Read more

This type of injury affects your couple, without you realizing it

This type of injury affects your couple, without you realizing it Romantic relationships are often considered as a means of getting love, affection and support. However, for some people, deep emotional wounds from childhood may interfere with the ability to maintain a healthy and stable relationship. Kaytee Gillis, interviewed by psychiatrist PsychologyTells how these attachment … Read more

According to experts, this type of personality is the correct goal of manipulation

According to experts, this type of personality is the correct goal of manipulation Every day, we manipulate and manipulate. Whether this behavior is aware or not, our social interaction rules. But some of us manipulated ourselves more easily than others. According to researchers in social science, the goals of the manipulator are distinguished by a … Read more

Voici le profil type des transclasses, ces personnalités qui échappent à leur destin

Voici le profil type des transclasses, ces personnalités qui échappent à leur destin Déjouer les lois du déterminisme pour faire « mieux » que ses parents et devenir soi-même. « L”important n’est pas ce qu’on fait de nous, mais ce que nous faisons nous-mêmes de ce qu’on a fait de nous. » Émilie cite la … Read more

Stop giving this type of advice that affects self-esteem

Stop giving this type of advice that affects self-esteem Have you ever received advice that seemed irrelevant or even condescending? These interactions, although seemingly harmless, can have a profound impact on self-esteem, especially in women. A study published in psychological sciencee highlights the negative impact of so-called “non-responsive” advice. Whether this advice is given by … Read more

According to experts this type of travel will be the most satisfying

According to experts this type of travel will be the most satisfying Traveling is more than exploring new landscapes or tasting exotic cuisine. It is also a search for meaning, diving into the history that has shaped us. In recent years, “heritage travel”, or travel in the footsteps of one’s origins, has experienced rapid growth. … Read more