The behavior we usually avoid but which can ensure your business success

The behavior we usually avoid but which can ensure your business success

While many people look at January 1st as any other day of the year, others see it as a new inspiration and an opportunity to start making some changes. This is especially the case for those who set out on a journey. vision boardVision boards, or vision or affirmation boards, allow you to picture about what you dream about,

Changing jobs, dreaming of travel, moving, romantic development… your vision board allows you to imagine what you expect from the coming months or years. So the New Year is the perfect opportunity to know what you want for the next 365 days. And to achieve your professional vision and ultimately achieve success, an exercise may be useful to you.

define your goals

Before you start pursuing professional goals, make sure you know exactly what you want. In a publication On Instagram, Nawal Mustafa, a doctoral student in neuropsychology, listed questions to ask yourself to end the year on a good note And project yourself into the next one. Of these, some invite us to question what we really want. “If I achieve my goals, how will my life be better and am I excited about this future? Are these goals I set for myself or because others expect me to? I want to be at the end of next year. Who do I want to be?”

“By taking time to reflect, you identify what really matters to you,” she explains. This clarity allows you to break your big dreams into smaller, manageable steps. It’s small, consistent actions (not bursts of inspiration) that bring real change over time. ” to the site forbesForbes Coaches Council members, recognized professional coaches, are also listed questions to ask To define its objectives:

  • What would your ideal work day be like?
  • What is your vision for your future? How do you envision your life in one year, five or ten years?
  • What impact do you want to make and for whom?
  • What does true success look like in work and life?
  • What are your core strengths, values ​​or interests that may apply to different industries or jobs as the work evolves?
  • What are your strengths that others have recognized?

be comfortable with your success

After identifying your goals, organizational psychology professor Alison Fragel recommends cnbc Identify three to five relationships that can help you achieve these goals. These connections could be people who have created things similar to what you want to do, who have held a position that you want to achieve, or that can help you move forward,

Finally, and this won’t be the easiest thing for even the most humble of us, experts recommend getting comfortable with your success. Don’t be afraid to talk about your wins. This could include an email sent to your superiors to update them on the work you or your team accomplished during the week or month. You can also take advantage of discussions with your colleagues to talk about this. He believes that if no one knows about your successes, you will not be able to reap the benefits. So without overdoing it, learn to be proud of what you have achieved.