There are 3 signs that your partner is leaving your relationship
The life of a couple talks. However, with the vagina of life and the behavior of each, it happens that the relationship will end.
As the media indicates VeryvelmindSome breakdown is not cruel, but is a result of a history in several months of frustrations, lack of communication and slow pace. Before reaching the breakup, it is possible to strengthen your couple if you identify the correct signals.
Silent abandonment: a threat to couple
According to the media, when someone feels that his partner has decided to leave the relationship, it has a name: silent abandonment. “IL It happens when someone stops adding efforts and energy in the relationship ”Sabrina Romanoff, diagnostic psychological explained.
For Claudia de Llano, a matrimonial doctor also interrogated the media, the observation is the same: ,Instead of actively maintaining the link, the person is sidelined and strictly minimized, which follows itself a relationship movements. Born from the tendency of “quiet” known in the world of work, silent abandonment is therefore invited to love stories: “Quietly leave the notion that your partner has stopped investing his time, energy, money, emotions and resources in the relationship”The clinical psychologist Sabrina remembers Romanoff. Okay, but are there already signs?
Signs of renunciation of relationship
For everything to do all this and to put obstacles on your behalf, here is not ignored the signs that may indicate that your half one silent is going into the abandonment behavior:
- lack of effort
If you feel that you are the only partner to try in the relationship, then there may be a problem. Lack of attempt to communicate, is a sign of avoiding behavior to spend two or otherwise time.
- A broken communication
Can you not only communicate only in pairs? There too, a problem has to be solved. As a reminder, communication is the basis of a couple relationship. Without it, a story is almost devoted to failure.
- Shared shortage of time
To create a permanent love story, there is no secret: you have to spend time for two. Thus, lack of shared moments may be a sign of avoiding behavior.
- A route for background
Are you not his priority? Nor your relationship? alert ! For two, in one life, it is necessary to praise, share. If his friends, work or others, come in front of you, ask yourself questions.
- Shortage of secrecy
Is your privacy at the bottom? Physical contact is part of an important language of love to create a solid couple relationship and maintain emotional intimacy. Do not hesitate to talk about it with your partner to understand the reasons for this avoidance.
As indicated by the Llano Claudia doctor, “Their behavior will give you the impression of being invisible and you will feel that they are given to you”Apparently, if you notice this type of approach, it may be time to discuss it with your partner. It is also recommended to consult a couple physician to get the necessary assistance and support to reproduce your relationship.