These 3 harmless behavior can cause breakups
No matter how strong love is, latent tension, stripped struggle or unrealistic expectations can be weak. This mobility, which is often invisible, gradually dominates and endangers the relationship.
Jeffrey Bernstein, Interview by American Psychologist Psychology todayIdentify three “silent killers” that can cause breakups. Here is told how to recognize them and how to fix them.
1. Do not express how you feel
When disappointment is accumulated without expressing, they create bitterness. For example, one partner may feel neglected while the other invests heavily in his work for the welfare of the couple. This lack of communication prevents mutual understanding and promotes resentment.
To avoid this trap, it is important to talk about them before your feelings become toxic. Listening with the intention of understanding others and not reacting is also the key to re -adding and reducing stress.
2. Fear of struggle
Avoiding conflict may seem protective, but in fact it weakens the relationship. Responsible feelings then manifests as an explosion of satire or anger. The evading only postpones unavoidable, while makes despair worse.
Healthy conflict is inconvenient, but it allows joints to grow. Using phrases like “When I was sad …” makes it easy to consider sensitive subjects gradually and respectfully.
3. Unrealistic expectations
To expect his partner that he will fulfill all your needs, there is a recipe of despair. For example, expecting it to be an ideal confidant and a source of constant adventure hurts the relationship.
It is important to appreciate what your partner has already brought and fulfill the remaining needs through other relationships, such as friendship or passion. Regular relationship reviews can also help solve disappointments and celebrate shared successes.