These are typical phrases said by people who lack self-confidence

These are typical phrases said by people who lack self-confidence

Inner security, affirmation of one’s needs, the act of introspection… the values ​​associated with self-confidence are now well known. As a proof of your love for yourself, maintaining self-confidence is a priceless gem.

“Having self-confidence means knowing on what basis you are more or less confident, which aspects of yourself you can trust,” says Frédéric Fanguet, psychiatrist, psychotherapist and author of the book “Confidence.” Self-confidence, how to believe in yourself? (Les Arens, 2024). Experts on this subject suggest learning to know yourself better to gain self-confidence.

10 phrases you often say if you don’t trust yourself

Do you lack confidence? To find out, experts recommend referring to these ten statements, which are typical of people suffering from lack of self-confidence:

  • If you recognize yourself in these ten statements then you are worried.
  • I give great importance to the opinions of others.
  • I don’t like getting caught. E in pictures, filmed. It’s hard for me to believe that I can be interesting.
  • I am easily influenced.
  • I often think: “I can’t do this. » I pay very little attention to my feelings.
  • I tend to look down.
  • I change my outfit hundreds of times before going out or going to work.
  • I hate public speaking.
  • From one point to another, I rarely take the most direct route.

How to regain confidence?

Psychiatrist Frédéric Fanguet underlines, “The aim is not to become a superman or a superwoman by showing confidence, but to succeed in finding a place among others: neither more than them, nor less than them, but a proper place in a balanced relationship. -There is a need to do real work on ourselves because often, the way we see ourselves is biased, we doubt ourselves, we rate ourselves below everything. Look at your errors, your failures, your weaknesses and minimize everything else. These are simple exercises to re-establish the truth.

For example, write down your positive behaviors. Make a daily or monthly list of what you’ve done well. If you think you have lost everything, go back to everything since your birth! You can also practice surveys: Ask friends and/or family members – who wish you well – to list what you do well and how good you are in their eyes. Then compare with your list. You will definitely be surprised. This is also very interesting: do the same exercise with a list of your unsuccessful behaviors. Having confidence means being someone you can trust, knowing on what basis you are more or less confident, which aspects of yourself you can trust. This requires knowing your strengths as well as accepting your weaknesses, your failures, your mistakes. To be able to confront them, possibly apologize, analyze, correct. The better we know ourselves, the better we move through life, avoiding dead ends. ,