These behavior, apparently harmless, can cheat emotional infidelity in couple

These behavior, apparently harmless, can cheat emotional infidelity in couple

If some cross the boundary, which separates the imagination of reality, then tries to oppose the temptation from others.

The theme is timely: social networks, completing applications and anxiety -poaching references encourages joints to expand elsewhere. And there is no need to take action to be unfaithful. Emotional infidelity hides in details. Explain it and avoid it? Christian richomes, psychoanalysts, consider us the question.

Cheat the emotional relationship

How to take a hand in the bag when you do nothing? Emotional infidelity is not clear, so that it becomes complicated to define. She interferes with relationships and translates to emotional support or birth of romantic feelings. By rubbing the shoulders with their lovers, the infidels feel a deep emotional attachment. The most intimate beliefs create and maintain an emotional attraction, but never cross the line of physical deception.

Conversely, as its name suggests, physical infidelity involves contact with a person other than his partner. “This is a clear violation of the physical boundaries of the couple and often associated with a clear betrayal of confidence,” explains psychoanalytic Christian Richomes as it was defined among partners. ” And to specify: “Although emotional infidelity does not necessarily involve physical contact, it can be considered as a betrayal of emotional relationship that must be present among partners”.

Identify 5 types of emotional infidelity

Can solid behavior be considered emotional infidelity? “In the digital age, there has been a variety in the forms of emotional infidelity,” said Christian Richome. Identify 5 types of emotional infidelity for psychoanalytic monitoring.

  • Take sexting : Exchange of intimate or sexual desired messages with another person;
  • Online relationship : Develop deep emotional relations through social networks, discussion forums or dating applications;
  • Intimate trust : Share deep ideas and feelings with someone other than your partner;
  • An attachment to a colleague : Install intensive emotional links with a work colleague, often under the guise of friendship or professional support;
  • Excessive platonic relation : Maintaining the relationship of friendship where emotional and sometimes physiological limitations are unclear, for the obstruction of the main relationship.