These behaviors common to people who have practical intelligence

These behaviors common to people who have practical intelligence

Because we readily contrast manual work with intellectual work, it can be confused with the skill of craftsmen. But practical intelligence is not confined only to that. What are the signs that allow it to be identified? For the namely, we must pay attention to the definition of practical intelligence “It is that which we use on a daily basis to adapt to the context in which we find ourselves,” explains Brigitte Prot, educational psychologist, teacher and trainer, author in particular of. Generation Z, unleash the desire to learn (Odile Jacob, 2023).

For example, to go from point A to point B, but also to cook a good dish, or to produce a summary of a study object, on a double copy in high school or a PowerPoint in the office. It is therefore the way in which we organize ourselves to advance or achieve a concrete objective, taking into account the different parameters of the situation or its various factors. » Here are 4 tips for succeeding in your projects thanks to practical intelligence.

You know how to trust your body

In practical intelligence, it is sensory information that drives action. For example, when you follow a cooking recipe, you mobilize your five senses, and not just taste or smell: you feel a vegetable to check that it is ripe, you listen to the water simmer to know if the temperature is good, you monitor the cooking thanks to the color the food takes on, etc.

And you put all these elements together to complete your task. All of these elements make up practical intelligence.

You save money

The famous practical side supposes a form of ingenuity: it is about obtaining the most and the best, while saving yourself expenses in terms of time or energy.

Whatever your objective, don’t necessarily take action straight away and try to find tricks, tips, strategies to make your life easier, and thus become more efficient.

You know how to break out of your habits

If you want to develop your practical intelligence, move away from your analytical mental highways which, perfectly reliable, are the ones you take naturally. Traveling is a great way to develop your real-world coping skills.

No need to go to distant exotic countries to exercise your sense of anticipation, orientation or discovery. You can also travel in your imagination: lucid dreams, for example, during which you are conscious. e to dream, engage the mind in the unknown.

You want to build

If practical intelligence is not only based on manual work, the latter promote it. DIY or gardening activities, creative workshops (jewelry, mosaics, etc.) or even games like Lego or puzzles encourage the management of a set of data.

A relevant way of putting practice at the service of analytics for once, since the objective of achievement promotes reasoning.