These little-known behaviors can hide ADHD in women

These little-known behaviors can hide ADHD in women

Everyone has the impression of having ADHD. However, attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity only concerns 5% of the population. But the issue lies in the diagnostic criteria for this disorder. To date , there are no infallible biological markers to detect ADHD, hence the importance of monitoring revealing behaviors.

Sufferers may experience difficulty concentrating, impulsive behavior and restlessness. These obstacles generally appear in childhood, although some are not diagnosed until adulthood, explains Elena Touroni, psychologist and co-founder of the Chelsea Psychology Clinic near NottinghamPost. Difficult to support, women receive a diagnosis four years later than men. “In girls, there may be a different interpretation of their particular symptoms, such as inattention and hyperactivity, as these symptoms tend to be seen as part of their personality and are not necessarily associated with ADHD,” says the expert. It’s largely a matter of perception. »

How to spot ADHD in adults?

There is a self-assessment scale that we can refer to, explains Oussama Kebir, psychiatrist, addictologist and researcher in molecular psychiatry at Inserm. However, an interview with a psychiatrist or neuropsychologist is mandatory to make a diagnosis of ADHD. However, in practice, patients are rarely diagnosed. “And if they are so lucky, due to the small number of doctors trained or interested in adult ADHD, they will have to wait months to get an appointment at the hospital for a specialized consultation and start treatment” , confides the psychiatrist. This treatment is based on knowledge of the brain circuits and the neurotransmitters involved: norepinephrine and dopamine. They are the targets of methylphenidate*, the main molecule available in France for childhood ADHD.

“Naturally, it is preferable to stabilize addictions before undertaking treatment: while moderate consumption of sedative substances is not contraindicated, the abuse of stimulants such as cocaine or amphetamines, however, poses a problem,” emphasizes Osama Kebir. Furthermore, and especially since there are other psychiatric disorders, the treatment of ADHD must always be accompanied by monitoring and psychotherapy.” Treating ADHD in adults is essential to enable them to learn to organize themselves, manage their time, and control their impulsiveness and mood swings. Involving loved ones in care is of real help both to improve compliance with treatment and to evaluate the effect of medications.

Behaviors indicative of ADHD in women

“When we see a woman who is inattentive, distracted or talkative, we tend to say that it is part of her personality and that it is not necessarily associated with a particular disorder, whereas with a boy, we will dig deeper,” underlines psychologist Elena Touroni. Women would also be “better able to mask it and develop coping strategies and workarounds to conform to social norms.” This is why they may suffer from ADHD without knowing it. However, certain specific behaviors, identified by psychologist Elena Touroni, can lift the veil on this disorder:

  • not paying enough attention to details
  • make careless mistakes
  • have difficulty maintaining attention in daily activities
  • having difficulty finishing a task (for example: losing concentration quickly at work)
  • present difficulties in organizing their activities
  • being easily distracted by external events
  • have problems with memory and attention
  • internalize your emotions and anxiety

*In France, methylphenidate does not have a marketing authorization (AMM) for adults except for the extension of treatment started before the age of 18, which is not the case for 95 % of adult patients, whose diagnosis was established after their majority. Its prescription is therefore subject to the patient’s consent, and must be done in view of the evidence reported in the literature and taking into account the benefit/risk ratio.