This activity of our childhood is perfect to let go (do we get it back?)
Who has never spent hours to collect riddles in their childhood? However, over time, this passion has often faded. Very bad, because even adults have everything to win! “This is a comfortable activity like Mandla or weaving,” describes psychologists with specialized psychologists in positive psychology.
An ideal way to escape and decompose, more relevant requirements than ever. No surprise, therefore, that the puzzle makes a comeback after the rank of an old object over the years after the rank of an old -fashion object! Like every 29 January, the puzzle is celebrated on this world day. One day popularly popular with lovers of intellectual challenges, but not only! Since the puzzle has many benefits.
Puzzle and mindfulness
“The principle of mindfulness is to pay attention to a unique thing, in the present time,” Cecil remembers neurville. This happens to us Find themselves: As soon as the box is opened, the objective is clear and our total inspiration. “When you think about its puzzle, you don’t think of everything,” said a psychologist. “We forget their problems, their projects …” The time of activity, the past evaporates as a future: everything that eliminates the mind and which immediately gives us relief from our mental charge .
For Better: A good puzzle session has a beneficial effect on our ability for attention and concentration. “When you are permanently in action, the body gets tired, if you take a break, you are better later,” Cecil will tell Newville. This is a little identical for the brain: when you meditate, or an activity with a unique intention such as a puzzle, gardening or cooking, the brain is no longer immersed by the overflow of information, so it is necessary Can come again. It takes a break that allows us to get back to better work, because we are more available, we feel more concentrated and more efficient. ,
Pay attention
All those who have already made a puzzle, know that despite all the inspiration that can be put in the project, it happens that we spend a good quarter of an hour without keeping a little room without one hour. . Disappoint our cognitive skills and once and all for “Are we zero in the puzzle”? Not at all, respond to Cecil Newville: “It is a matter of note. Whatever the activity, after a while, the brain may no longer be effective ”. This is called vigilant adaptation. In children, he is very low. Parents of young children know this well: after 20 minutes, they do not keep it in place, even if they do an activity they like. Growing up, we manage to remain focused for a long time. But whatever age, there is a time when the brain needs to breathe.
“Everyone needs to listen to themselves for attentive adaptation, emphasizes psychological. As long as we are good and we have fun, we can continue the activity. But as soon as you feel disappointed, ineffective, That you have a feeling of failure, it is better to stop and move on something else. It is enough to get up for.
Puzzle or the art of going
Returning after ten minutes, it is not uncommon in the right place for three or four rooms! “This is a very good training for life,” says Cecil Neurville. When you put all your attention on one thing, after a while you cannot see anything, you cannot do it anymore. Any effort, whether it is physical or mental, is followed by a period when we release pressure. So we make puzzles to go, but there is a time when you have to know how to let the activity of going to move forward … a lesson to meditate.
The puzzle also gives us an opportunity to pay attention to what it matters is not the result, but the way. Have we spent hours, days or weeks to finish our puzzle, the question is that once we are finished: “What should I do”? “Not everyone does not want to hang the result on the wall,” Cecil notes Neauville. At the same time, the ranger finds us complicated. We also have to learn to let this point go: We do not destroy anything, we move forward on something else. Bus. And we can put it back in our box and tell ourselves that in a year, we will have fun again. ,
Slow, patience and perseverance: puzzle, symbol of slow life
In “normal” life, it is not common to take time to slow down time, even though, already in 2018, 53% of French people said they want them. And the trend is not low. If the puzzles were so successful during imprisonment (+122% sales first week of spring 2020 According to a study by NDP firm), Is that once, the weather has been suspended. “The puzzle is completely part of the slow movement,” Cécile Neuville notes. He forces us to take his time and appreciate it. He is opposite to the race of speed and the race after that time that is missing. ,
In addition, it allows us to see that there is no need to go fast to get the result. “We can slowly move forward,” the psychologist is sung. It is not right to finish today, but we show firmness by reaching the next day, next day, and perhaps more, and finally at the end. This is a lesson that applies to all areas: In life, there are things that are worth surrendering that we dedicate it for more time. ,
Create a puzzle to reach the flow position
When you create a puzzle, we have the opportunity to feel a deep sense of satisfaction once more than once: when we finally find where a piece has been placed which has tickled for a while, When we keep the room that allows you to complete a specific part of the puzzle, when you position the latest parts, and finally, when you have smooth your hand on the surface with smooth and bumpy puzzle Both of them pass … “These moments of satisfaction stimulate the secretion of the hormones of goodness, and especially of the dopamine,” Cecil Neurville explains. The latter is the hormone of the reward, associated with the idea of victory or success, the hormone of the reward: “The fact of being able to finish something good, we are proud. It feeds ego and self -sufficiency. Creating a puzzle would be good for morale.
But for this, we must have launched a challenge to our abilities. Puzzle is a headache. So it is good because it is not so simple that we feel proud to come to the end. In positive psychology, we often talk about the state of flow: “These are the best moments of welfare, when you feel as best as possible, Sesel Neurville explains. These optimal experiences occur when we use our skills until the proposed challenge. There is also a creative aspect that we do not think about: Paheli “is not just done, it is well made, maintains Cecil neurville. Start from the edge, sort the parts from the colors, see that see that Where a particular room goes or discovers a particular room… all have their own strategy to develop strategies.
Find the right level to promote your anti -self -defense
If we are given a puzzle of 50 pieces, we will not be proud of it because it is very simple. But as a beginning, we will not necessarily be happy with a monochrome of 5000 pieces, which will disappoint us very complex. Psychologist says, “We should find the right puzzle at our level.” It is necessary to challenge adequately so that it is interesting. Without a small puzzle dimension, it is quickly boring, and less funny. ,
The flow is not reduced, it remains. So are you ready to launch the challenge of 500 or 1000 pieces? Advice to help you choose: The number of pieces does not say everything about the difficulty of the puzzle, there is a lot in the image too. In addition, it is better to choose a puzzle whose depiction pleases us and wants us: “There is a well effect in relation to the image, which we see, Cecil indicates the neurville. We ourselves in relation to colors The anchor, drawing, what image shows. If we like the image, it contributes to our motivation to finish it ”.
To go ahead
Seasel neurvillePsychologists are writers of many functions including My Bible of positive psychology (LEDUCS version) Or most recent 100 rituals: My positive thought notebook.