This method can help you solve conflicts in your pairs
Despite whatever love we have in the relationship, conflicts are unavoidable. Unlike what can think, it does not determine disagreement Forth failure of a relationshipIn fact, this is the way in which they are caught and what we get from it that plays a role on the success of this relationship or not.
In a study published in the journal Couple and Family Psychology: Research and PracticePsychology Professor Lindsay Rodriguez and his colleagues tried to verify the effects of an approach outside the struggle to relieve tension within the relationship.
A change of perspective
In this study, scientists recruited 716 Americans on an average of 51.8 years. The participants lived at home with their partner in May 2020, at the height of imprisonment due to the epidemic of Kovid -19. Each of them was invited to identify Disagree with his partner recently,
The participants were divided into two randomly formed groups. One had to write about the struggle in the question from his point of view when another had to adopt An external approach to disagreementThey were to be prepared as a fictional and neutral third person, as a common friend who had the best intention to two members of the couple. This second group was also adopted this neutral perspective during the future disagreement with its partner. Two weeks after this first intervention, the researchers presented the participants in a new questionnaire.
Struggles with neutrality to make them less frequent
The survey conducted 14 days after the intervention revealed that those who had considered disagreement from the perspective of the third neutral person reported a greater decrease in struggles than those who consider the struggle at their own point Was continued. 30 % less disagreement During these two weeks, compared to those who considered the incident from their point of view.
“Disagreement and arguments are unavoidable, with the depth with which the life of romantic partners is added to each other on a daily basis. The fact that a conflict exists, the way the couple manages it, is less important than that, Lindsay remembers Rodrigue in an article in an article in an article. ConversationWhile the associate resolution of conflicts allows the couples to live together in harmony, communicating on the combative disagreement can damage the relationships and damage the mental and physical health of the two partners. Unlike personal management, the change in perspective during an disagreement has shown the deficiency Frequency, severity and intensity Love struggle.