This stunning factor makes people smarter than others

This stunning factor makes people smarter than others

Dr. Fradric Saldman, Cardiologist and Author urgent ! Your health Bible (Albin Michel) Gives us an attractive phenomenon that would have been highlighted: prolonged contact for very short light changes some essential brain functions. In his work, the doctor quoted an American study, showing that musk mice lost their hippocampus (major area of ​​memory) to 30 % of their capacity under snatching lights.

Fortunately, the effect is reversible: a return to a bright light makes it possible to fully restore these faculties. In humans, the results are only notable, the Fradic Saldman explains. Therefore light will make us intelligent. And the more intense it is, the more our brain will be beneficial.

Light promotes learning and concentration

Light is used not only to enlighten us. According to the conclusion of a team of Belgian researchers, it will also promote our brain. One in Huge study Published in Special Review Made Science in 2014, his colleagues at the Gills Wandwell and Lease University revealed the impact of light on our cognitive works. “It controls many circadians non -vicious, neuroendocrinians and behavioral functions, and transmits a sign that strongly stimulates awakening and cognition,” underlines the study.

To achieve these results, the researchers reviewed a series of imaging studies marking this stimulating effect of light. The results of these studies are compatible with a landscape in which the light will affect the structures involved in the regulation of the first awakening, before modifying the activity of the areas involved in the current cognitive process, and then behavior. In schools, light bathing classes promote learning and concentration.

Light affects our mental health

And who never experienced this feeling of confusion except a cinema diving in the dark? This difficulty in remembering this where you have parked your car, it is not trivial: the lack of light slows down the production of orexine, an essential hormone for memory and intellectual awakening. Beyond cognitive performance, light also plays an important role on morale. In each winter, sun deficiency leads to some seasonal depression, depressed (seasonal emotional disorder). Fortunately, solutions exist: Regular contact of specific lamps or a simple outdoor walking from the first rays of the day is often enough to find and enter the tonus.

Therefore, instead of looking for complex explanation for a decline in intellectual or emotional rule, start with the treatment of light. Because, to shine in the society, you must first light up!