This technique increases your good and reduces stress in the top time of 5 minutes.

This technique increases your good and reduces stress in the top time of 5 minutes.

Need to take a break, blow and find your peace? Tension Atte Worry Truly we can lose control and affect our mental health. Fortunately, stress is suggested to better manage.

In the most famous, we find the technique of tapping. Principle? Use your hands to get calm and peace. This method is also called “emotional liberation technique”.

Taping: Anti -Stress Technology?

Solidly, it is described by a mild and rapid touch, repeated on the number D “Acupressure Specific to restore the balance of the physical system. Thus, these points send “From electric impulses to brain limbic and cortical areas that control stress and Fear breaks nerve relationships Those who are at the origin who bother painful feelings and physical sensations, ”, As reported Psychology today,

This technique will be ideal for reducing the feeling of stress and anxiety in just five minutes. according to a Study People who worried in 11 clinics from 2019 revealed from dating over a period of five and a half years “90 % of the participants found an improvement for a improvement for tapping. It took only three tapping sessions to feel symptoms to feel symptoms”So how can we easily adopt this method?

How to apply this technique?

accurate Psychology todayJust five steps, which lasted for five minutes to reduce stress.

  1. Start and sit from taking a great inspiration.
  2. Then recognize the problem: Why do you feel worried? What is the source of stress?
  3. Then assess its intensity: How much will you not do on a scale of 1 to 10?
  4. Then tap your body, this chest, shoulder, stomach can be… whatever area and repeat this sentence: “Even if I feel all this worry, I still choose to relax and feel safe now.”
  5. Finally, press several acupressure points eight times in a row: eyebrow, eye side, under the eye, nose, chin, above the head. Then repeat the sequence several times until you feel more pure and calm.

You will see that in a few minutes, your concern must have disappeared. Very effective, this method is a real “game-chinger” for goodness. Try to adopt it! You are resting …