This year 6 micro-hobits to adopt to feel better

This year 6 micro-hobits to adopt to feel better

Like every beginning of the year, many of us take a pledge… that we will probably not keep and for a good reason, we often determine ourselves unrealistic objectives and we are committed to becoming our best version- Even.

Instead, Anna Tomkins, well expert, assures that “The best way to change things is to start with our daily habits”with StylistSo he listed 6 micro-hubbits to take this year to feel happy on a daily basis.

1. Remove something from your two-two list

“At the beginning of the year, the achievement of a large number of tasks may appear at the top of our list of priorities”Anna Tomkins says, “In a manner-rich manner, the solution can be more to delete something from our two-two list”He continues. Often, we accept tasks and provide them uniform priority. Once we have to choose what will be removed from the list, we should establish priorities and dedicate more time for really important things.

2. Talk to a stranger

“Research has shown that we are happy to talk to strangers and improve our mood”Explain to the specialist. “Popular belief that individuals may feel unwanted, most people are open to discuss comfortably”He continues. As social beings, we need human conversation and talk to strangers allows us to contact people in a different way with our loved ones. Most people react in a very positive way when talking to them comfortably.

3. Eat green vegetables

Several New Year proposals focus on the ban. This is a question of always reducing rather than more. But here is an ideal option: instead of following a diet or reducing your diet, try to eat more good things. “Fill your plate with a mountain of green vegetables, add colored fruits and vegetables to each diet and promote the snack by bringing additional nutrients”Gives the specialist in welfare.

4. Walk every day

Taking a strict and punitive game diet is not a good way to start the new year. Conversely, taking time to appreciate the movement – and all its benefits – can be a healthy commitment. You can wild in the wild, for example, do some stretching in the middle of the working day or dance in the kitchen during cooking. “Make the exercise as funny as possible and limit the obstacles. Prepare your training clothes at a specific time of the day and go for it. Start for three minutes, or what will suit you the best”Anna suggests Tomkins.

5. Do something foolish

“Being a better person often gives the impression of abandoning any happiness, which is why we often come back to old and bad habits. But it is possible to redefine happiness while getting a little healthy (which, often, often, , More, more happiness).Indicates the specialist. For example, the endorphins release the endorphin by having fun and stupid, a hormone of happiness we need to feel better. “Remember to go to yourself and be a little strange. Inventing a song, dance, mimicking celebrities you want, but make sure it’s absurd”She gives advice.

6. Sleep for a while

“This is not easy, especially with our important charge and all our other daily responsibilities, but the advantages of long sleep time are very large”Note Anna Tomkins. Activate the “mode” mode on your phone and use this signal to find it when you put it on the bed. While sleeping sleeping, try to reduce the time spent in the evening in front of the screen (blue light bothers our sleep). moreover, “Catching a newspaper before bed may be a good idea to relax your mind and go to bed with some positive”Clies the specialist.

It is necessary to re -add your body. It passes through a good night sleep, but also has a good alarm clock. In the morning stretch is to connect to each member, each muscle, feels your body from top to fingers and toes. A wonderful feeling, Elizabeth Grimod, Doctoral Students in Cognitive Psychology, and Creator of Law Beautiful, good, good. Increase in yoga practices needs to re -connect yourself. Physical activity is necessary for both physical and mental welfare. It helps in maintaining the link between the body and the mind.