To know if your feelings dominate you, ask yourself these questions
We all operate more or less with our feelings. Feeling them is a natural physical process, but it is better to learn to manage them so that they do not rule our lives, there is no question of ignoring them, because they stimulate us on a daily basis, to make us feel alive and give us alive Allow to keep your busy days in rhythm but when they get away from us, we can back down by identifying them.
All our feelings are useful whether they come from pleasant thoughts or not. They allow us to adapt to an unstable phenomenon (you activate your body to express them; when you know about the death of a loved one, you cry and thus your grief Let’s remove …). It remains to be known how to ask the correct question, Sophrolologist and the author of the work tells Ellen Lanslot 50 golden rules of sofrology for daily practice (Larrous).
4 questions to ask yourself to subdue your feelings
You have already experienced them all:
- PleasureManifestation of success and sharing;
- GloomStimulated by loss of a person or object;
- FearResponse to danger;
- AngerOften in response to any injustice.
These emotions are complemented by various more complex secondary emotions, which usually include another person, such as hatred, shame, pride, guilt, sadness, etc. A feeling is always short -lived, which separates it from a feeling, which persists over time and originates from a feeling (jealousy, so destructive, often arises, for example, to find or find itself alone or For fear of losing your loved one) one). In order to master it, it is necessary to ask yourself the right question:
- How do you feel physically?
- How can you define this feeling?
- What is the reason for you?
- What measures can you take to limit its effects?
By stepping back one step from your feelings, you will not bend in front of the impulse. Sophrolologist suggests to use your breath to manage them, this will make you feel better without pressing them or allowing them to attack them.
These rules can be found in the book: 50 golden rules of sofrology for daily practice, Ellen Lanslot (larous).
© larose
An entire method that works on the body and mind and moves rapidly towards overall welfare. Sophrolologist and recognized coach, Allen Lanslots provide you with your 50 simple, effective and progressive golden rules, rich in exercise and advice.