Top Books of Depression Published in 2014
Here in this post, we are sharing the list of “Top Books of Depression Published in 2014” that is available in the collection of Mental Health. You can read buying or getting it free both information. We have thousands of books in our collection. You can demand us any book related to psychology through our community, and we will provide you with a short time. Keep visiting Mental Health.
Top Books of Depression Published in 2014
- The Mindful Way Workbook: An 8-Week Program to Free Yourself from Depression and Emotional Distress by John D. Teasdale, J. Mark G. Williams, Zindel V. Segal
- Ghosts of My Life: Writings on Depression, Hauntology, and Lost Futures by Mark Fisher
- The Oxford Handbook of Depression and Comorbidity by C. Steven Richards, Michael W. O’Hara
- Head cases: Julia Kristeva on philosophy and art in depressed times by Kristeva, Julia, Kristeva, Julia, Miller, Elaine P

- CBT for mild to moderate depression and anxiety: a guide to low-intensity interventions by Herron, Stephen, Hughes, Colin, Young, Joanne
- The Mood Repair Toolkit: Proven Strategies to Prevent the Blues from Turning into Depression by David A. Clark
- CBASP as a Distinctive Treatment for Persistent Depressive Disorder: Distinctive features by James P. McCullough Jr., Elisabeth Schramm, J. Kim Penberthy
- Overcoming Depression and Low Mood: a Five Areas Approach, Fourth Edition by Williams, Chris
- The System Worked: How the World Stopped Another Great Depression by Daniel W. Drezner
- ABC of Anxiety and Depression by Linda Gask, Carolyn Chew-Graham
- Couple Therapy for Depression: A clinician’s guide to integrative practice by David Hewison, Christopher Clulow, Harriet Drake
- Handbook of Depression: Second Edition by Edward S Friedman, Ian M Anderson (auth.)
- Guide to Assessment Scales in Major Depressive Disorder by George Alexopoulos, Siegfried Kasper, Hans-Jürgen Möller, Carmen Moreno (auth.)
- Cognition in Major Depressive Disorder by Roger S. McIntyre, Danielle Cha, Joanna K. Soczynska
- Digital Depression: Information Technology and Economic Crisis by Dan Schiller
- The Great Depression in Latin America by Paulo Drinot and Alan Knight (eds)
- Life During the Great Depression by Wendy H. Lanier
- Preventing Adolescent Depression and Suicide Among Latinas: Resilience Research and Theory by Andrea J. Romero, Lisa M. Edwards, Sheri Bauman, Marissa K. Ritter (auth.)
- Depression and Bipolar Disorder. Examining Chemical Imbalances and Mood Disorders by Abigail Meisel
- The Great Depression. A History Perspectives Book by Roberta Baxter
- Depression in later life by Baldwin, Robert C
- Breadlines knee-deep in wheat: food assistance in the Great Depression by Nestle, Marion, Poppendieck, Janet
- The depths: the evolutionary origins of the depression epidemic by Rottenberg, Jonathan
- Depression and Other Mood Disorders by Jon Eben Field
- Interpreting American History: The New Deal and the Great Depression by Aaron D. Purcell
- Severe and Mild Depression by Silvano Arieti & Jules Bemporad [Arieti, Silvano & Bemporad, Jules]
- Churchill and the ‘Black Dog’ of Depression: Reassessing the Biographical Evidence of Psychological Disorder by Wilfred Attenborough
- Perinatal Depression among Spanish-Speaking and Latin American Women: A Global Perspective on Detection and Treatment by Katherine Leah Wisner M.D., M.S. (auth.), Sandraluz Lara-Cinisomo, Katherine Leah Wisner (eds.)
- Depression and Bipolar Disorder by Abigail Meisel
- Cognition in major depressive disorder by Cha, Danielle S., McIntyre, Roger S., Soczynska, Joanna K
- Ionotropic NMDA Receptor Signaling Is Required for the Induction of Long-Term Depression in the Mouse Hippocampal CA1 Region by Walter E. Babiec1, Ryan Guglietta, Shekib A. Jami, Wade Morishita, Robert C. Malenka, and Thomas J. O’Dell
- Mercury and Social Anxiety; Why Limiting Your Exposure to Mercury Can Ease Shyness, Anxiety and Depression by Mary Hammond
How to Avail Best Books for Depression
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