Use these strategies to protect against an intoxicating personality

Use these strategies to protect against an intoxicating personality

If there are many personality we want to keep out of our life, These are drugs“In our daily life, drugs can be difficult to withstand and can sometimes be harmful,” says Stephanie Sarkis, doctor, Psychology todayWhether he is a colleague, family member, a friend or a romantic partner, it is necessary that he understands the functioning of drugs and to affect our lives on our lives and determine the boundaries. ,

Continuous needs of narrowing and continuous needs of verification and praise, lack of sympathy and emotional support, its tendency to manipulate and guilty can damage your mental and emotional welfare, can generate feelings of insufficiency, d ‘anxiety and depression, isolation Leading for, exhaustion, low self -esteem and health problems, such as migraine, insomnia, he lists. But even if we want to avoid them as much as possible, then some of these intoxicants Despite us, we are part of our daily lifeThis is the reason that we should find ways to protect ourselves from it.

Identify a narrowed personality

If there are many types of narrowness, then there are often common symptoms for these personalities. It is to learn different signs that we can better spot them and know that it is necessary to work and establish boundaries if necessary. For example, site Webmd A sign highlights light on an indication is rarely considered associated with intoxication: the feeling of special rights. It appears by considering itself better than others, thinking is entitled to special treatment and should be others. Fulfill their needs and expectations,

Other more common signs are signs of an intoxicating personality. This is especially the case for handling and control requirement. In addition, the feeling of special rights often gives them a look of ego and motivates them to have enmity or aggression when they do not receive the treatment that they believe that they are worthy. The intoxicating personality often shows signs of the need for praise.

4 ways to protect yourself from an intoxicating personality

“By identifying intoxicating behavior, fixing boundaries, demanding support, limiting contacts with toxic people, and prioritizing self -reasons, you can reduce the harmful effects of toxic people around you and your daily Can find a sense of autonomy in relationships and conversations, “Stephanie Sarkis says.

To protect themselves from the techniques adopted by drug personalities, Leslie Sanders, Psychological, and Michelle Des, have distributed by psychiatrist, Very good mind Four techniques to adopt ,

  • Using flattery: The praise done with tact will probably remove them and make them weak, which a victim can use his advantage to avoid a situation, specifies Leslie Sanders.
  • According to a psychologist, call on his ego: Praise and praise an intoxicating substance.
  • Take advantage of its insecurity: Although it goes against your morality, note what puts them on defensive or makes them very sensitive and only goes to this ground to protect you and use free wickedness to protect you. Does not
  • Create a false sense of control: When an intoxicating drugs believe that he has control, he can take a break in the behaviors that harm you directly because it is not useful to them.