“Weak, lost and honest”: What happens in a brief, the chain that everyone thinks?

“Weak, lost and honest”: What happens in a brief, the chain that everyone thinks?

An unexpected return. On 31 January, Kayan Padandi officially announced the return of the co-construction project in Brono Mascio: in these brief. Thirteen years ago, the French people discovered this original format in the Grand Journal. During the 80 episodes, we followed his love stories, friendship and the misbehavior of a hero in his professional inquiries.

But if the short format and light tones were able to seduce fans at that time, it was in a new form that the series resumed on Disney+. In addition to the length of the episode, it has been addressed to the subjects that seem to have ensured the excellent success of the new season. As soon as it is released,

A story close to reality

From the first minute of the new version of Short.We feel that we are returning to the romantic suffering of a character whose name is unknown. However, the series is soon to give us a glimpse of a wide range of subjects that will be addressed during the upcoming six episodes. Addiction, mourning, toxic relationship, knock, depression … from the diversity of topics mentioned, ensures the series Touch your audience in the heart,

“Fiction works as a distorted mirror of our reality. Marine Columbel, psychiatrist, says, looking at our own problems, we take a step back on our position. Identification plays an important role: The main character lives in universal conditions, such as doubt, loneliness, love failure or existence concerns, but he expresses them in a raw and informal way. This creates a fatal effect, where viewers staging their own questions. ,

Masculinization of subject

In response, many people shared on social networks, the way the series thought him about his position. However, cinematographic productions, as serials, do not proceed when it is a question of following the thrill of one or more heroes and the anti-protest heroes from existence crisis, cross the tests and their doubts Let’s share Fleabag, Crazy girlfriend, vulnerable, Girls… Sometimes absurd, funny, poignant and impressive, the series had not failed to address the subjects. ShortWith a difference: the style of the hero.

“In mental health, men are often less represented,” Marine recalls Columbell. Whether on the screen, in the offices of mental health professionals, Men are rareOnly 30 % of people using psychotherapy are male, remembering Maud Le Rest on the cover behind their work You should see someone “If men do not find less mental difficulties than women, they are less educated to talk about it, for help, to be unsafe, to ask for help. , Short. Break these fanatics by showing a character that is both weak, lost and honest. He is neither a hero, nor an opposing hero, simply sung to a simple type, Marine Columbel, in the grip of the contradictions of his time. A consumer work helps normalize the fact that men can also lose, need help and question themselves. ,

Success as a resonance for a very marginal

With the success of a series marked by your questions about mental health, it is also necessary to surprise whether the visual -visual landscape does not knowIn this registerPsychiatrist says, “This shows that many people recognize themselves in these questions, but rarely have the opportunity to treat them with realism on screen.” Whether for men or women, anxious disorder, addictions or personal questions are still forbidden or poorly represented in popular culture. ,

However, getting close to gravity of tests crossed by their characters, ShortDon’t lose your humor and be successful Drama bet To distribute your words as effectively as possible. Through the clear “restriction of life”, the series implies complex human experiences. “Mental health is often taken far away from very dramatic stories or everyday life. Some stories speak properly while being entertaining, she accepts. The lighter tone of work makes the problem of mental health accessible to a larger audience, including those who may be reluctant to male mental health. ,