What does a hypocrite’s specific profile look here

What does a hypocrite’s specific profile look here

Some people need to be a great manipulation to hide who we really are. Don’t feel that they really know themInterstitial or timeliness, attachment problem, hypervigilance or … severe tilt to hypocrisy.

Unlike what we believe, hypocrisy does not stop at the criticism of absent or pretense with those we do not like. The hypocrisy is slightly darker because it can appear in many ways and is many original.

What is a hypocritical person?

Hymn defines a “to hide its character or its real intentions, to influence feelings, thoughts, qualities that we have, to present ourselves in a favorable light and inspire confidence”. RevousseMost of the time, hypocrisy allows those who use it To withdraw an advantageThis especially can be a fertile ground for professional environment hypocrisy. But unfortunately it is not uncommon to feel that amidst our close entry, hypocritical personality manages to find their place.

Most often, we can realize a person’s hypocrisy over time. You realize that you really don’t know that he has Menty, betrayal, humiliated Or that you can’t just trust him. Whether the hypocrisy of a person is clear or more difficult to identify them, it is always complicated to understand their origin.

Origin of hypocrisy

Hypocrisy can come from many deep issues. For example, a person vulnerableWill be more inclined to show off in your relationships with others. Amy Daramas tells those who are less self -affected by those who are suffering from self -self -sufficiency or to give importance to the feeling of inadequateness, for false friendship Very good mindThese relationships allow them to pay attention, to be valid by others and temporarily to overcome their discomfort. Egoistic personality You can also pass through hypocrisy to achieve your goals. Due to very little or lack of sympathy, they do not hesitate to manipulate and deny the feelings of others for their personal needs. A person who suffers from a difficult childhood, trauma or attachment difficulties can also have a tendency to survive to push others to see others as opponents, which without facing them directly.

Because hypocrisy Most often is based on liesIt is also important to question the reasons that push a person to lie. For example, lying may come from the need for control, David J. Take, clinical psychological, for, advance Psychology today“Telling the truth is like quitting control,” they say. Often people lie because they try to use an impact to control a situation and achieve the decisions or reactions they want. »More than a problem related to the perception of others and the way of creating a link, a hypocritical person may lack authenticity, relationship with himself and difficulty in knowing who it really is.