What is the Perma method that allows you to create permanent happiness?

What is the Perma method that allows you to create permanent happiness?

The discovery of happiness is universal. While everyone is looking for the key to personal development, we often forget deep will. To see too much, we are lost in the end. And jump ! Happiness gives us under our nose.

Finally to end the discovery of this existence and save you time, we invite you to search for the Perma model created by Martin Celigman, one of the founders of positive psychology. According to him, happiness lies in the creation of a permanent fulfillment that is beyond happiness and happiness that are fleeting emotions.

Perma Model: Solve to create permanent happiness?

According to this expert, The Secret of Happiness will live in five essential concepts, which should not be ignored, it is also said that this model is cut in many major points:

  • ⁠ ⁠ ⁠Positive spirit: positive emotions. This involves welcoming your feelings.
  • ⁠ ⁠ engagement: commitment. This involves investing completely in activities that fascinate us.
  • ⁠ ⁠ ⁠Positive relationship: To enrich relationships in French. This is to build relationships that make sense and who really feed us.
  • ⁠ ⁠MEANING: Meaning in French. It feels that what we do is important for ourselves and others.
  • ⁠ ⁠ccomplish: Achievement in French. This is to achieve the goals that are important to us.

Apparently, if we take care of these five essential keys, we are very likely to succeed in reaching happiness. and that’s not all …

How to cultivate happiness?

As reported Boris CharpentierPsychologists and coaches, “More daily habits will be aligned with one or more pillars, more happiness will be accessible”, He says. He adds: “In summary, there is a situation of balance between happiness Simple pleasure A discovery for life and deep meaning. Thus, to maximize happiness, you have to cultivate these points. This is particularly included: working on your optimism: “Working on your thoughts and can help managing negative cognitive prejudices to foil, better difficulties”, Boris Charpentier says. But also the action of the practice of attractive activities: “Reaching the state of” flow “regularly (being absorbed into stimulating activities that raise our abilities and develop them) strengthens satisfaction and personal development”Specifies the specialist.

It is also necessary to strengthen your social relations by promoting positive interactions with others which are necessary for welfare. Finally, it is important to develop your individual forces. How ? “By identifying your strength and using them on a daily basis. This is more effective than constantly trying to work on your weak points ”Assurances the psychologist.