When you want to support any one of your loved ones, there is a side attitude here

When you want to support any one of your loved ones, there is a side attitude here

For better for worse. It is not because we love our loved ones deeply when they undergo difficult tests We know how to support them. We all have strengths and weaknesses. And, for some, the right words, good gestures and good attitude for comfort, supporting support and support is not primary quality. Even on a personal basis, you probably know which of your loved ones will be able to help you when going through a difficult period.

But once those who faced with a loved one who seems to be in trouble, you have to be sure to relax it in the most effective way. And to find out what attitude to adopt, the results of a study can be useful for you.

Rather oral support or touch support?

A loved one faced the crisis, many types of approaches can be conceived, such as search for solution, emotional comfort or Another gesture of supportLike a hand or a throat on the shoulder. But what should be done to ensure to effectively support the other? It’s ok what researchers thought at the core of a study published Mental behavior journal,

To determine the most effective attitude, researchers showed a video on 409 participants. During this, a student gave rest to another student, who failed his examination. The video had four variants: with physical contact or without physical contact and on the problem or with a concentrated discourse on the feelings of another. After watching one of the four videos, the participants had to assess the impact of the conversation. On self-esteem, self-efficiency and crisis The student who was unsuccessful. In parallel, they were questioned about the severity of the situation, the realism of the video landscape, the physical appeal of two students and their own reception for a touch support communication, the list Constable,

Between discussion or embrace: What attitude to adopt?

The results showed that the observers consider it More effective emotions concentrate messages To improve self-esteem, strengthen self-efficiency and reduce the crisis that focus on problems. If problems are considered less effective on the basis of problems, they however benefit from self -consciousness and crisis with a gesture of support. “Under the terms of touch support communication, supervisors had a better perception of improving the self -reform of the recipient in comparison to the circumstances without touch support for supporting the supervisors,” the writer of the study Samantha J. Shebib said. ConstableOn the other hand, tactile comfort has not shown improvement on the spirit of self-efficiency, that is, a person’s confidence in his ability to achieve his objectives.

“The main limit lies in the fact that the participants were the third -native supervisor and did not really participate in support of support,” says the researchers. In addition, it was not very diverse sample since the participants. All students wereTherefore it will take other comprehensive and laboratory studies with participants that undergo conditions that endange their self -esteem to analyze the effectiveness of the methods of support, Samantha J. Shebib says.