You have to be willing to do these unpleasant things to get better

You have to be willing to do these unpleasant things to get better

Over these years and our experiences, we believe we know what is most effective to work directly on our well-being. On the contrary, we also know how to avoid what can harm us. But sometimes we do ourselves no favors in spite of ourselves.

Because we cannot manage certain emotions, cannot experience certain situations well and cannot dare certain things, we lock ourselves into behaviors that, ultimately, do not contribute to our well-being. We do.

These sacrifices you must be willing to make for your own well-being

“Peace is not passive. It is a discipline. And each sacrifice you make frees up space for it to grow,” says Nawal Mustafa, a doctoral student in neuropsychology. a publication On Instagram. Experts call for accepting the discomfort of certain situations in order to take care of yourself.

Nawal Mustafa lists the behaviors you must adopt to be better off ,

  • You must let go of the need to control everything.
  • You have to put your ego aside and accept that being right isn’t always worth it.
  • You must learn to control your emotions during an argument, even though they may be testing.
  • You have to deal with the discomfort of saying “no” to people you care about.
  • You have to be prepared to lose people who are not good for your mental health.
  • To be true to yourself you have to sacrifice being loved by everyone.
  • You need to distance yourself from environments that put your mental health at risk, even if they are familiar to you.
  • You have to face unresolved pain and process it instead of projecting it.

Where do these adverse behaviors come from?

Wanting to control everything, not being able to set boundaries, or wanting to be appreciated may be coping strategies. to face your fearsCoping strategies are personal methods used to manage stress and uncomfortable emotions. If we all adopt these then we become healthy as well as unhealthy. “Whether emotion-focused or problem-focused, healthy coping strategies should help relieve stress without avoiding the problem. Psychotherapist Amy Morin explains that the right coping strategy often depends on the situation and your specific needs at the time. very good moodJust because a strategy helps you deal with emotional pain, doesn’t mean it’s healthy. »When you’re too attached to control, you avoid unexpected stress, when you don’t say “no” to people close to you, you try to avoid rejection, just like when you try to please others. Let’s change our form for. When you don’t confront open wounds, you think you’re avoiding the negative emotions associated with them, but you don’t allow them to heal.

In contrast, healthy coping strategies calm you down, temporarily distract you, help you tolerate your distress, but Do not constantly distract you from reality“Sometimes it helps to face your feelings. For example, feeling grief after the death of a loved one can help you honor your loss,” explains Amy Morin. This includes, for example, taking care of yourself, dedicating yourself to a hobby, doing a task that will occupy your mind for a while or practicing mindfulness and using relaxation methods.