12 character symptoms that cheat a difficult childhood according to a specialist
A hard childhood often leaves deep and permanent marks. According to Adrian Wollenic, the specialist interviewed by the specialist HackspiritThose who grew up in the environment marked by lack of affection or negative experiences develop character symptoms that can harm their relationships with others and with themselves.
Sometimes, we also do not make the effect of these early emotional deficiencies. A shock of attachment can thus shape some of our behaviors in adulthood, without understanding its origin. It is fine on the subject that Adrian Wollennic saw, the identity of twelve character symptoms is common for those who lived in a complex childhood.
Bad -estim
Some children constantly criticize their appearance, their behavior or their choice on behalf of the parents and are often compared to others. There is no work.
Permanent approval requires
Those who were criticized or neglected during childhood require constant approval, especially in professional environment. The discovery of external verification becomes a means of filling the remaining zero from the lack of positive strength during their young years.
The overall shortage of self -confidence and others
Durable confidence can cause problems due to betrayal in their relationships as a child or lack of continuity. You have difficulty believing that other people actually care about you. So you constantly question the intentions and motivations of the people around you. Which throws a shadow on your relationships, as you do not feel safe enough to relax with others.
Deep fear of abandonment
The fear of abandonment comes from the feeling of leaving neglected or alone in childhood. It is a deep concern that people who love you can leave you suddenly. Someone who suffers from this fear is sticky and always wants to be convinced to reduce their anxiety of being left physically or emotionally. Ultimately, it can largely affect their behavior, options and relationships.
Difficulty establishing concrete relations
When you are afraid of being unsafe and have already experienced difficult relationships, you protect yourself. Often, you cannot open deep relations with others due to fear of being re -injured. You hide your feelings and your real personality, which creates a real obstacle for any serious relationship. But we should not forget that weakness and vulnerability are the major elements for making real relations with people.
A strong requirement to please others
To please others, and appreciate it, there is a habit that some individuals have taken up when they have grown up without much approval or attention. To fill this deficiency, they do everything they can please others, even if it means what they need. It is afraid of rejecting or criticizing, which a person can cope with being smaller on many occasions, which is at the core of this attitude.
A real fear of conflict
Avoiding conflicts often comes from previous experiences where arguments have gone wrong. If your first years were marked by instability and anarchy, you can also hate the idea of ​​conflict in adulthood, as it can bring these complex emotions to resume. Staying away from conflicts becomes a way to protect yourself and maintain a certain stability. You do everything in your power to avoid arguments, even if it means ignoring your needs.
Potential emotional insensitivity
When people live in a unhappy childhood, they can inadvertently press their feelings to protect them from very painful feelings or carelessness. And that, throughout his life. For example, a person suffering from emotional insensitivity cannot show love or affection for his loved ones, even if he cares deeply about them. Similarly, when something is terrible with him, like a loved one, he may look insensitive because he has trouble expressing his grief.
A formal disability in determining its limit
If your boundaries have not been respected or when you were young, you definitely have trouble saying “not” or express your needs in different areas of your life. This difficulty often comes from the fact that you no longer know that the line between what is acceptable and not. But with little support, such as therapy, you can learn to determine clear boundaries, which will make your life more balanced and your personal relationships will make your personal relationships healthy professionals.
Inherent self-breaking
When you lived in a complex childhood, it is that you are afraid of success or what you think, deeply, that you are not worth it. This feeling of fear or resentment can inspire you to inadvertently spoil the chances of success. Because of this, you put sticks in the wheels and prevent yourself from achieving your goals. It is important to recognize and question these negative patterns to promote a healthy state of mind and follow the path of success.
The risk of desire to take refuge in self -escape increased
To cope with their past pain, some people turn to illegal products. This idea is to flee or silence the negative emotions that they can cope with and remind them of childhood. This is their way to feel temporarily better and activate their emotional insensitivity. Therefore, you should be able to face your past so that their lumps can be resolved instead of solving them. And for that, you have to agree to be together.
Possible difficulties with privacy
Increasing in the chaotic environment can make it difficult to people, especially when it comes to intimate relationships. Expressing emotions, and especially love, to be confident in another, speaking openly and revealing oneself is often complicated. You like to stay on your guard to avoid being injured again. It acts as an obstacle, making the installation of intimate links almost impossible.
Become aware of these prejudices allows you to free them
All these aspects have been cited, they should not be taken as fatal. Individuals who experienced a complex childhood can start a healing process, becoming aware of these patterns. Therapy, self -work and a philanthropic entry support are all means to remove these obstacles and to understand each other better.
It is necessary to identify these character symptoms at home to be able to question these automated behaviors. And thus achieve self -confidence, and again around it. For the purpose of being able to develop more balanced and complete relationships.