Team Cohesion Inventory – Turkish version


The study of team cohesion is crucial in understanding the dynamics of group behavior in various sports contexts. The “Team Cohesion Inventory,” developed and adapted by Olcay Kiremitçi, Ramazan Timuçin Gençer, and Volkan Unutmaz (2011), assesses this construct by examining the psychometric properties of the scale. As organizations seek to improve team dynamics, such inventories serve as valuable tools for researchers and practitioners alike.

Scale Overview

Scale Type: Adaptation

Source Type: Article

Publication Year: 2011

Source/Reference: Unutmaz, V., Kiremitçi, O., & Gençer, R. (2011). Examination of the psychometric properties of the Team Cohesion Inventory. Journal of Celal Bayar University School of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, 6(2), 23-30.

Journal: Celal Bayar University Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences

Authors and Contact Information

Developers/Adaptors: Olcay Kiremitçi, Ramazan Timuçin Gençer, Volkan does not forget

Responsible Author: Volkan does not forget

Contact: [email protected]

Cohesion Characteristics

Measured Features: Team Cohesion, Team Sports

Sub-Dimensions: Group Task Attraction, Group Task Integration, Group Social Integration, Group Social Attraction

Scale Details

The scale consists of 18 items structured across 4 factors:

Sample Items and Item Count:
Group Social Attraction (1 item): “I do not enjoy participating in social activities of this team.”
Group Task Attraction (8 items): “I do not like the playing style of this team.”
Group Social Integration (11 items): “Members of our team prefer to wander alone rather than come together as a team.”
Group Task Integration (18 items): “Our team members do not openly communicate about their responsibilities during training or matches.”

Application Groups: Football Team Athletes, Handball Team Athletes

Rating and Scoring

Rating Scale: 9-point Likert scale (1=Strongly Disagree, 9=Strongly Agree)

Score Range: Scores can vary from 18 to 162, and the scale includes reverse coded items.

Reliability and Validity

Validity: Results from confirmatory factor analysis indicate a good fit of the data to the model.

Reliability: Internal consistency coefficients for the sub-dimensions range from .61 to .67, while the overall coefficient for the scale is .82, indicating acceptable reliability.

Related Research

For further studies utilizing the Team Cohesion Inventory, refer to: