The adaptation and validation of measurement tools across cultures are crucial for effective psychological and educational assessments. One such instrument is the Foreign Language Enjoyment Scale (S-FLES), originally developed to assess the enjoyment experienced by learners of foreign languages. This article discusses the adaptation of the short form of this scale into Turkish, along with its validation and applications in educational settings.
Scale Details and References
The ADAPTED SCALE, LABELED AS THE Foreign Language Enjoyment Scale Short Form (K-YDKÖ), WAS Developed by Güneş and Uysal (2025) in their Article Published in the *Theoretical Education Science Journal [Journal of Theoretical Educational Science]*. The study outlines the adaptation process and ensures the scale’s reliability and validity for use among Turkish-speaking populations. The full citation is:
Güneş, H., & Uysal, HH (2025). Adaptation and Validation of Short form of the Foreign Language Enjoyment Scale (S-Fles) into Turkish. *Journal of theoretical Education Science [Journal of Theoretical Educational Science]18*(1), 1-20. DOI:
Scale Type and Characteristics
The K-YDKÖ is classified as a scale adaptation, primarily categorized under psychology and positive psychology. It focuses on measuring various facets of enjoyment in foreign language learning, targeting specific groups such as adult learners, university students, and high school students.
Measured Properties and Sub-Dimensions
The scale evaluates several key properties, including pleasure in learning English, enjoyment during the learning process, and overall satisfaction with foreign language education. Specific sub-dimensions include personal enjoyment, teacher appreciation, and social enjoyment, all contributing to a comprehensive understanding of learners’ experiences.
Applicability and Target Groups
The K-YDKÖ is suitable for various educational contexts, primarily targeting English learners among adults and high school students. This adaptability allows educators and researchers to gauge learner satisfaction and motivation effectively.
Original Scale Reference
The original scale, known as the Short Form of the Foreign Language Enjoyment Scale (S-FLES), was developed by Botes, Dewaele, and Greiff (2021). Their article details the development and validation processes, emphasizing the significant role of enjoyment in language learning. The original reference is as follows:
Botes, E., Dewaele, J.–M., & Greiff, S. (2021). The development and validation of the short form of the foreign language enjoyment scale. *The Modern Language Journal, 105*(4), 1–19. DOI: