Your dreams have a hidden meaning, it is what they say about you according to the psychoanalyst Triston Moir.

Your dreams have a hidden meaning, it is what they say about you according to the psychoanalyst Triston Moir.

Dreams are an integral part of our daily life. Sometimes elusive, even esoter, they can think when the moment of awakening comes.

How to understand them? Is there any way to understand them? How to understand their scope, and above, what can they serve us? We asked some questions to psychoanalyst Triston Moir.

What are our dreams?

Dreams are really Messages to conscious unconscious, Those who express our inconvenience as our rich; The dream is the emission of our deep desires. He constantly reminds us himself to take our place among others. Sapna is also a vector of communication with others. It can be understood as a fictitious story that transmits a message. You can also hand over them to your English or tell them from time to time, from time to time.

What is the role of psychoanalysis in the context of our dreams?

Psychoanalysis and psychiatry are a means of investigating psyche that help a lot in personal development and welfare. Interpretation of psychoanalytic dreams There is a great therapeutic tool, for yourself and the doctor, which allows you to develop quickly, to really learn each other.

What do dreams say about us?

They allow us to understand the origin of our obstacles, boundaries and discomfort very quickly; We immediately have access to their causes. The dream also manifests all the latent abilities of the person, to develop and make them feel vocal, to make them vocal.

To be able to understand them, how many times will you advise people to be interested in their dreams?

It is important to note your dreams, at least once a week, as honestly as possible, and read them again, after a while, less warm.

Have you established training, in short what is its goal?

Purpose of training A reliable and psychoanalytic method is to integrate that makes dreams possible to understand and explain, thanks to those of them and others, thanks for the study Language of dreams. It is a very structured language, but that it is necessary to identify and understand.

The 2 -year training provides access to the knowledge and mastery of the interpretation of the dream for the doctor who wants to become an oxerotherapist by adding this tool to his activity.

To learn more

  • Triston Moir is a psychoanalyst and author of the book New dictionary of dreams,
  • The founder of the Ever School where he provides training (in distincting or face -toofic) for psychoanalytic interpretation of dreams. He works in Montaparnace or Vizio. All information is To search on,
  • Sometimes – Intensive training courses in dream languageOn 5 days:
    Visioconference, Monday 24 to Friday 28 February, 2025 – Zoom Platform
    Face to face, Monday 3 to Friday 7 March, in Paris-Montaparnace