This personal feature states why we do not deny all people in the same way

This personal feature states why we do not deny all people in the same way

You may have ever met a new person or can be encountered with a particular situation and not to withdraw the same spirit of others who were with you. You liked this new person very much when someone else saw it in this way. Conversely, you see someone as arrogant while the other sees him as a little confidence. In the same way as you believe that the person who tells you that they are fine when someone else will tell you that she is not doing well at all.

We all have our own way of doing our personal perceptions and analysis, sometimes wrong way, feelings and feelings That a person does not always expressIf sympathy and emotional intelligence allows you to be safe from your perceptions, in each, there is a type of reading the feelings of others.

Two modes of analysis

“The perception of emotions is a fundamental aspect of our life, as the feelings of others can provide important information on their reactions, their perspectives, their intentions and their behavior,” write to three researchers on the origin of a study on the perception of others. , In this research published in Journal of Experimental Psychology: GeneralThe author wanted to study individual differences that pushed to see the feelings of others in a certain way. Some are committed to understanding facial expressions, while others give more importance in context.

To do this, he had six experiences with 671 participants. The objective was especially to determine whether the way of understanding emotions was always through face or reference analysis, or if we have happened that we have changed a method of analysis according to the situation. For example, during an experience, the participants analyzed the photographs on which people adopted a body pose. Did not suit facial expressionAs an expression of hatred with the posture of anger. Three times for seven days, the participants had to give the sentiments associated with it. In another experience, these photos were accompanied by a sound where an emotional situation was described that did not suit the expression of the face. For another experience, this is the real recording of angry or frightened people, which have been used.

Difference of perception of emotions in the face of the same reference

On experiences, the results showed that some people systematically ignored the currency or voice and were satisfied to do it. A face expression accountWhereas others have treated to modify the interpretation of their face according to the installation of body or recording. This difference between the participants was constantly repeated and stable on experiences. This is for this reason, with the same position, we all have ways to explain emotions. It turned out that the most extroverted and dutiful people used the context more, but this relationship was relatively low.

Is it better to rely on face or reference? There is no better way to determine emotions, assure researchers. “Researchers found no evidence of the superiority of one or another,” sung for Alexander Danvers, Society, Psychology todayIn some situations, paying more attention to facial expressions can benefit, while others may require more attention to relevant indices. ,