Do you suffer from Bigorexia, this addiction that affects 4 out of 100 French people?

Do you suffer from Bigorexia, this addiction that affects 4 out of 100 French people?

Bigorexia, which is considered as a muscle dismorphia, resulted in frequent dissatisfaction with its muscles, even in already very athletic individuals. This disorder pushes excessive training, a strict diet and, sometimes, for the use of substances to develop muscles. ,Bigorexia is a common word that calls professionals to muscle dismorphia, a subcontinent“Said Hafpost Joseph J. Transo, Professor of Psychology

This phenomenon affects men more, which is affected by unrealistic models on social networks. Images retard, extreme fitness advice and social pressure promote a vicious cycle where training and performance discovery become aggressive for mental and physical welfare.

A reduced disorder but with real results

Unlike other famous food disorders such as anorexia, borexia is less promoted and therefore sub-diagnosed. However, their results are important. The affected people often suffer from anxiety, depression and low self -irrational. Their social life can also be assigned, training becomes a complete priority for relationships and holidays.

There are many causes of this disorder: a genetic tendency, a social environment that evaluates physical performance, but negative life experiences such as harassment or trauma is associated with the image of the body. Athletes and sports physicians require a imposing body, such as bodybuilding or conflict, especially exposed.

How to spot and treat Bigorexia?

Alert signals include excessive stress on the idea of ​​a passion, missing training, hypercontrol diet, or even the use of steroids with bodybuilding. When these behavior take precedence on the quality of life, it is important to consult a healthcare professional.

Cognitive and behavior therapy can help destroy these obsessive thoughts and restore a healthy relationship with your body. Limiting your risk to toxic fitness materials on social networks and surrounding yourself with philanthropic relatives is also an effective strategy to separate from this entire body quest.