14 behaviors finally to normalize yourself

14 behaviors finally to normalize yourself

Are you really yourself? Are your behavior with others according to your values? How to learn your limits to preserve yourself? So many questions that are found in other words to their own answers.

Sarah Kuburik, psychiatrist in millions of customers on Instagram under the name @Millennial. ThopistHave reviewed the behaviors that we do not dare to adopt, but which will be beneficial for our emotional good.

Dare to be yourself: a curious contradiction with many benefits

Oscar Wilde wrote, “Be yourself, all others have already been taken.” Despite social development, it is difficult to have yourself completely. In fact, to complete, sometimes it is necessary to think against you: to get out of your comfort field. This counter-gentleman enlightened logic requires authorizing some flights and giving it to Hums of your small inner voice, even though it means to attract the anger of his entry. Objective: For yourself, the best friend is possible.

To achieve this, you have to learn to develop false threats to an intellectual journey to redefine your preferences. According to Helen Monet, integrated psychiatrist, author Blessed (Edition Larsus), meeting with you is the main element of permanent good. “Receipt of time regularly needs to feel existing and give meaning to your existence. This prevents us from being removed by the tornado of life, it is so easy to be lost on the way … especially in our Western culture, which does not encourage internalism and makes us alive in a small, time bound time, cut Is. Now, it is a long time, the emotions, returns to itself, which makes it possible to recognize what really means to everyone. This is an essential condition to achieve personal responsibility and freedom. We are all unique, and it is our business as human. There should be no one other than us nor should we find our way. ,

Behavior to normal on daily basis

The discovery of yourself is undoubtedly rewarded. But in short, how to act? Psychiatrist Sara Cuburik lists behavior to normalize to achieve this:

  • Ask what we need accurately
  • “Everything is not together”
  • make mistakes
  • Express experience and our feelings
  • Accept when we are wrong
  • Celebrate everyone’s success
  • Love our body
  • Avoid our strengths and commitments
  • Try new things and agree to fail
  • Show compassion to others
  • Accept our need for support
  • Listen to others before concluding in a hurry
  • Leave those things that do not serve us anymore
  • set limits