Do you want to reduce the struggle in your relationship? Try this simple change of perspective

Do you want to reduce the struggle in your relationship? Try this simple change of perspective

In a romantic relationship, disagreement is unavoidable. However, the way these conflicts are discussed can create all differences.

A new approach, involving adopting the possibility of a neutral third party, may be the key to reducing disputes well and establishing a more calm environment.

Neutral perspective power

A study published in the journal Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice Highlight the effects of a simple change of perspective on the management of love conflicts. By asking the couples to see their disagreement from the point of view of a neutral friend, researchers referred to significant decrease in logic and aggression in the relationship.

Participants who adopted this neutral perspective were brought into 30% less struggles and 51% less aggression than those who focused only on their approach to the problem. This change of attitude came into effect not only in short -term but also to improve the quality of exchanges within the couple.

Why neutral perspective works

By separating themselves from their own perspective, couples were able to reduce their anxiety and anger, two emotions are often enhanced during arguments. This approach helps the partners to keep their ego aside and really listen to the needs and concerns of the other.

Adopting the possibility of third party encourages sympathy and mutual understanding. This allows you to find solutions that satisfy both sides, instead of focusing only on your desires or frustrations. A small gesture that can change the outlook of daily disagreement.

How to apply this change in daily life?

The idea of ​​taking a break and thinking about an argument from a neutral perspective may seem simple, but has a strong effect. Whenever there is a conflict, try to imagine yourself in the position of a dear friend who tries to help both sides understand each other.

The more practicing this change of perspective, the more natural it becomes. Even in stressful situations, this reflex can be adopted to reduce stress and promote creative communication, making it possible to strengthen relationships for a long time.