This general tendency can be one that prevents you from reaching happiness

This general tendency can be one that prevents you from reaching happiness

For those who do not yet have a feeling of reaching happiness, finally trying to be happy can take the appearance of an endless search. However, advice for Happiness in your daily life And to maximize your good. But, despite tips and methods from the tendency of personal development, being happy seems to be some inaccessible.

And for a good reason, it is this discovery that can give rise to our loss. In a study published in the journal last January Applicable Psychology: Health and WelfareAekyoung Kim and Sam J. Maglio were interested in searching for happiness and their effects on general welfare.

Firing of search for happiness

If the purpose of the discovery of happiness is to experience the most positive emotions and at least negative feelings, then the researchers move forward. “More and more studies show that the discovery of happiness, rather than being leading to more happiness, often leads to negative consequences, available less happiness and less time”, they write. Negative effect self -intelligence,

To verify their hypothesis, the researchers conducted four experiments. In the first study, he interrogated 532 adults that his tendency was actively looking for happiness and his normal level self -control. For the second study, 369 participants also had to meet the scale of evaluation of happiness with the aim of measuring the tendency to find it. Then they had to decide to shop. They had to classify items to buy according to priority order. The purpose of an experience is to measure the time that the participants took for their decision. Mental efforts and self -regulation are required to make an option, these two factors that can be tested by the discovery of happiness. In the third experience, 36 participants were distributed in two groups. One is impressed to think about happiness, not the other. During the experience, self -Ragulation and self -consistent were measured through their consumption of chocolate. Finally, the fourth experience included 188 participants, which create various options, which were directed by searching for happiness or discovery of personal bliss. He also had to solve a mystery.

Victims of Self -Relations, Research of Happiness

The first two studies revealed that those who got high score on the search scale of happiness, reported less self -control and dedicated less time to decide, resumed ConstableThis shows that a common tendency to seek happiness is associated with Self -intended resources decreaseThe third experience showed that an incentive in search of happiness, even brief, can change self -control among participants because they consume more chocolate than others. In the fourth experience, the participants encouraged them to improve their happiness, spending less time on the resolution of the puzzle. This suggests that during the decision, it actively eliminates mental resources in search of happiness.

Results as a whole show that are trying to make happy request A special mental effort Which, long -term, eliminates us and weakens our ability to regulate our thoughts, our feelings and our behaviors. The weakening of self -regulations results in controlling our impulses, opposing temptations and reducing our ability to make good decisions. “Search for happiness is similar to a snowball effect. You decide to please yourself, but this effort reduces your ability to do things that make you happy, “Sam Maglio is sung Constable,