When you are in a bad mood, this unexpected reflex to adopt it
We all know this feeling. It usually starts as soon as it arises. The day started hardly that we already have the feeling that it will not be good. Anneo Why withoutThis is a bad mood.
“The bad mood is characterized by the fact that we often do not fully know how we reached there. This reality enhances bad mood, because when we do not know how we reach there, we feel helpless to get out of it, Jill P. For Weber, Clinical Psychologist, tells for Psychology todayCumulative results in a bad mood can be disastrous and let a person feel the mercy of his feelings. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent bad humor, but also to treat it when it appears.
Stop bad humor
Although this may seem upside down, the first step to pass these negative emotions is to accept their presence. “All humans are going through moments of difficult feelings and troubles or emotional confusion,” Jill P. Remember Weber. When we know about these ups and downs and we give philanthropy to our feelings, we are very healthy and more masters of ourselves. To pass bad humor, you have to be close to your feelings and accept them So that they do not overwhelm us,
To avoid the accumulation of negative emotions growing in poor humor, the psychologist recommends a method in six stages:
- Listen to your physical sensations: If any event causes synergy, take time to slow down the abdominal knot or the spiral of thoughts.
- Ask yourself the following questions: What does my body communicate with me?
- Identify what you get angry: “as or as trivial, do not reject it,” recommends the expert.
- Come to your feelings and give them meaning to your feelings.
- A sense of emotion by emphasizing your passenger character and identifying the efforts you make.
- Adopt positive behavior, which you like.
Muhavan Humor
You probably know that many activities can make you good. However, when you get up on the wrong leg, you may have no desire to do these activities. But to change the mood in a few minutes of space, you can be wooed by an effective activity during at least one song. In fact, singing is a great way To pass bad humor,
“Not only the song releases a ton endorphin that stimulates your mood, but it also encourages you to regulate your breath and relax your shoulders, which is a great way to fight stress, recalls the body, recalls Georgia body, for people with chronic diseases, for people with chronic diseases, for expert, for mental health, StylistThis is even better if the songs speak to you personally. ” A Study In 2017, LED measured the amount of cortisol, stress hormones, in the saliva of participants, before they sang. The results showed that the amount of cortisol was low after singing, which indicates that people feel More comfort after singing in an airSecond Study Built in 2018 along with mental disorders as well as people with general public, the participants reported that their mental health, their mood, their sense of goodness and the feeling of being related to the suite of singing workshops.