What your wishes for the new year reveal your unconscious desires

What your wishes for the new year reveal your unconscious desires

Have you thought about what you want for the new year? What are the wishes you formulate for others? As 2025 approaches, it is now the time for the balance sheet and the essential resolutions. Some want to meet love when others think of redefining their professional goals. Anyway, these questions are already starting to emerge in everyone’s mind.

Each year, we “question ourselves vigorously about what we would like to change. If we sometimes struggle to answer these questions spontaneously, it is in reality the unconscious which takes the relay, to believe the analysis of Christian Richomme. For him, the new -year wishes are far from simple words exchanged on the fly. A moment when hope and the future are intertwined, reveal much more than what they seem to be saying ”.

3 frequent wishes that reveal our unconscious needs

Each year, we set life objectives which unfortunately often pass by the hatch. Almost 45 % of resolutions taken for the new year are abandoned after only one month, according to a study conducted in 2020 by the National Center for Biotechnology. But whether we believe it or not, the intention is still there. Psychoanalysis rather identifies in this desire to change unconscious interior conflicts. These wishes are not simple bottles at sea but direct demonstrations of our psyche. These research works reveal that our wishes are influenced by our underlying diagrams of thought, forged by our childhood and our life experiences. For example, according to Christian Richomme, a vow of inner peace can result from a childhood marked by conflicts or instability. Also, a desire for financial prosperity can arise from a feeling of material or emotional insecurity. Or even aspirations for love or family harmony can be reflected in a need to repair past affective injuries. But what do these wishes reveal? The psychoanalyst offers us some possible psychological translations of the most frequent wishes:

  • “I want to spend more time with my loved ones” : a fear of isolation or an awareness of an emotional distance.
  • “I want to get back to sport” : a desire to regain control over your body, often linked to a feeling of guilt or loss of control.
  • “I want to find love” : an emotional validation quest or a need to repair abandoned injuries.

Wishes, “mirrors of the unconscious” according to psychoanalysis

“The unconscious is the reservoir of desires, and irreconcilable desires,” thought Freud. An observation shared by the psychoanalyst Christian Richomme, considering that the wishes that we formulate for the new year betray internal conflicts and repressed desires. “When we formulate a wish – whether” I would like to find a balance this year “or” I finally want to succeed in flourishing in my work ” – we often translate a deeper need: the desire for stability in front of the ‘Uncertainty, recognition in a competitive world, or repair a feeling of lack, “decrypts the expert.

By relying on Freud’s work, the specialist believes that these wishes actually reveal “missed acts”. They verbalize what we cannot express. According to Christian Richomme, our wishes they reveal our frustrations (which we do not have), our regrets (which we have not done) and our dreams (what we hope). Eventually, Our wishes serve as bridges between our conscious desires and our unconscious needsallowing everyone to explore what really drives them. Like a seed planted in our unconscious, to formulate a wish is to open a window on oneself. “By listening carefully to these wishes, we can better understand our motivations, our frustrations, and our dreams,” advises the psychoanalyst.