Typical phrases said by people who are desperate for attention from others

Typical phrases said by people who are desperate for attention from others

If happiness is conditioned by our relationship with others, it is socially “normal” to seek their approval. But by desperately waiting for validation from your peers, you risk missing out on your life.

The excessive need to exist through the eyes of others then becomes a pathological problem. This is the case with histrionic personalities, toxic both for themselves and for those around them. So much so that it is a personality disorder, listed by the MSD Manual and defined by it as “a mental condition characterized by a generalized pattern of excessive emotionality and attention-seeking”. To identify these personalities, certain typical phrases can alert us. The psychoanalyst Christian Richomme identifies the suspect formulations.

Revealing sentences depending on the situation

Characterized by a constant need for attention and a search for approval, this disorder affects almost 3% of the population. Sufferers seek to be the center of attention and may engage in theatrical, dramatic, or excessively emotional behavior to attract This attention, deciphers Christian Richomme, is this need to be seen and accepted by everyone caused by insecurities, past wounds or excessive parental expectations. Whatever the case, histrionic personalities suffer just as much? that they cause suffering. “They often have superficial relationships and may have difficulty maintaining deep and stable connections with others,” continues the specialist. Emotions may be perceived as exaggerated or inappropriate by others. , here are some typical phrases that a person with a histrionic personality might say:

  • To get attention: “Why is everyone ignoring me? It’s like I don’t exist!” or “I’m the only one who’s there for you, you have to listen to me, it’s so important!”
  • To dramatize a situation: “It was so horrible! I think it’s the worst thing that could happen to me in my life!” or “You can’t imagine how I felt, it was like the whole world was collapsing around me!”
  • In an interpersonal relationship: “I don’t know what I would do without you… you are everything to me, I can’t live without your attention.” or “If you had told me you loved me sooner, everything would have been different. Why did you wait so long?”
  • Expression of excessive or dramatic emotions: “I feel completely lost! How can you be so calm when I’m on the brink?” or “Everyone hates me, no one understands me! I’m so unhappy!”
  • Seeking validation or compliments: “Don’t you think I’m amazing? I’m doing all this so you can be proud of me!” or “Don’t you think I’m really special, that no one could do what I do?”