Affiliative Tendecy Scale Urdu

Affiliative Tendecy Scale Urdu

The Affiliative Tendency Scale (MAFI) is a well-known psychometric assessment tool used to evaluate an individual’s preference for affiliative behavior. It was initially developed by Mehrabian in 1994 and can be used to assess an individual’s affiliative nature in various contexts. The MAFI consists of 20 items and uses a 7-point Likert scale to measure an individual’s level of affiliation.

Affiliative Tendecy Scale Urdu
Affiliative Tendecy Scale Urdu

The scale has been subjected to multiple reliability and validity studies in different populations. One such study was conducted by Asghar and colleagues in 2019, which found MAFI to be a reliable and valid measure of affiliative tendency in Urdu speaking population. Furthermore, the study indicates that MAFI has a high internal consistency with a Cronbach’s alpha of .76, and a stable structure for factor analysis.

Further studies, like one conducted in 2021 by Zulfiqar et al., supported its construct validity. They found that MAFI scores are positively related to social support and life satisfaction, indicating that higher scores on the MAFI are indicative of higher levels of positive social interactions.

Overall, the Affiliative Tendency Scale is a reliable and valid tool for measuring an individual’s preference for affiliative behavior. Its psychometric properties have been studied in various populations, indicating that it can be used across cultures and demographics.

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